Upgrading or Replacing Your Electric Panels
If you have not made any changes to the electric panels in your home then the time may be right to do so now. Here we look at when you should upgrade or replace your panels.
Electric panels are a part of every electrical system in a home. It is the power company that is responsible for making sure that electricity is available in your home. They are also responsible for sending a utility worker to install a meter which will record how much electricity you have used on a month to month basis. Everything else related to electricity in your residence,
including your electric panels is something that you must take care of yourself. For instance if a panel needs to be upgraded or replaced then this is something that a homeowner must arrange to have done by a licensed and qualified electrician. If you reside in an apartment complex then the superintendent of the building is the one that must phone the electrician to come and do the work. You may wonder how you will know if the electrical panel needs to be replaced? If the electric panel is very old then having it updated to bring it up to code would be a very wise idea. You must always put safety first when it comes to your family. If you are constantly changing fuses or if you find that your lights flicker on a frequent basis then getting an electrician in to change the panel would be a very wise thing to do. If tripping a breaker is becoming a common occurrence then this is a signal that a problem exists that needs to be addressed. Many problems with lights, breakers and fuses are related to the fact that a residence has a 60 or 100 amp electrical service as opposed to a 200 amp electrical service that is standard for most modern homes. Have an electrician examine your electrical panel to tell you which amp services you have. If yours is not 200 then it would be wise to upgrade your panel or to replace it all together. There may be many reasons why you would need to either replaced or upgrade the electric panels that you currently have in your home. If you plan to renovate your home or you plan to add onto it then your panels will be something that must be addressed as well. As previously mentioned, if you are presently using a 60 amp or 100 amp electrical service then you need to come into the modern age and increase it to 200. If your panel box seems to be emitting strange sounds such as crackling noises then it is time to make some appropriate changes to the panels. If you lights seem to be flickering often and your appliances are no longer running on full power then you need to institute changes. The same can be said if most of the outlets in your home have only two prongs. Two pronged plugs are not grounded. What you need to do is to replace them with three pronged plugs for additional safety.