Using normal water softener - is that a waste of money?
Millions of people are dealing with hard water problems. It's so common problem that sometime we are not even taking care of it. Or just using a regular water softener and have hope that it will work. Usually it doesn't and our money are just like putted in the garbage. Why not change that?
If you are looking for a solution for your limescale and hard water problem there is no point using the regular water softener. They are not working properly and money that we've spent on it can not be called a "well invested' one. So how to deal with this problem and why does a conventional methods doesn't work?
limescale is quite huge problem and in itself is a wasted money. The scale that deposits on the pipes is blocking them and when the water is heated a bigger amount of this heat is needed than in unclogged pipes. That means bigger bills. What's more scale can deposit on washing machines supplies,

dishwashers and may cause the damages of any systems and machines in which water is heated. That's also money that is spent on repairing those supplies.
For those problems most of people are buying salt using softener or magnetic water softener. They are working by replacing the calcium and magnesium in the water with sodium. Or treating water with a strong magnetic field. Those are the regular methods. But they have serious disadvantages and that's why they are called a wasting money methods. First, sodium is unhealthy in big amounts, second, refiling regularly softener with salt might be expensive, third, there is have to be more than one devices bought to work properly (still expensive), fourth, needs good conditions to work.
But fortunately there is one more solution for this problem. This is an electronic water softener. That kind of water treatment is most efficient. Why? This type of water conditioner is a type that is descaling the pipes from the scale that has deposited earlier than the device was installed. It's dealing with existing scale. That kind of water treatment system works similarly to a magnetic one but sends much stronger signal, remains water treated for a few days, reducing the amount of scale and one unit might be used in whole house.
Of course, you can try first two methods on your own home, apartment. But none can tell you that it will work correctly. When using an electronic device there is almost 100% sure that it will help to deal with the limescale that is depositing and the scale that has deposited a months before. That's why you should deal with your hard water problems by using an electronic descaler. And forget about the regular one that are wasting your money.