You can "vaccinate your home" and protect your family from flu, colds, and viruses in 3 easy steps: 1. Humidify your air; 2. Clean and sanitize your air ducts; 3. Install a UV air purifier.
Whether you do this with a simple humidifier or a fully automated system that does it all automatically without any hassles, a humidifier of some sort is an absolute MUST to protect the quality of your indoor breathing air in winter. Why? Because dry winter air dries out the body’s respiratory membranes, skin and other protective systems…spreading out the welcome mat for nasty germs and viruses that rack the body with colds, asthma, flu, sinusitis and a host of other respiratory ailments.
Your wallet will be healthier, too. Dry air feels a lot colder than humidified air…so with a humidifier you can keep your thermostat lower, save heating fuel, and STILL feel warm. Fact: With a modest boost in home humidity, you can keep your thermostat 3 to 4 degrees lower, and still feel cozy. Sound crazy? Try it and feel for yourself!
Flow-through humidifiers like the TrueSTEAM™ Humidification Systems offered by Deiter Bros. work great with zero hassle.
TrueSTEAM™ takes the best features from current steam humidifiers with their efficiency, performance and decreased water consumption, and combines it with the ease of installation, reliability and value of flow-through humidifiers. TrueSTEAM™ is different from others because it operates independent of equipment operation. And, with its near 1:1 humidification delivery rate, TrueSTEAM™ delivers the right amount of humidification you need.
Contact a local company, such as Deiter Bros, for a quote on a flow-through humidification system.
What you can’t see CAN definitely hurt you…and every member of your family.
Most of us live in homes or work in businesses with air ducts transporting heating or air conditioned air yearlong, year after year. And through time, the duct’s interior surfaces can collect frighteningly high volumes of really unhealthy debris: household dust, pollen, mold, mildew, animal dander and more. Nasty stuff that your breathing air comes in contact with day in and day out.
Okay, that’s the problem. The solution is Air Duct Cleaning. Companies such as Deiter Bros, can power-brush vacuum every square inch of your duct work with a deep-cleaning, video-assisted Rotobrush System. Register covers and air supply sources should also be cleaned. Everyone will breathe easier, allergy symptoms may be alleviated AND IT WILL REDUCE THE NEED FOR DUSTING!
Hospitals sanitize their air ducts to cut down on germs. Why not homes and businesses? As a knockout punch to those bacterial bad boys trying to take up residence in your duct work, you can have your ducts' interior surfaces sanitized with an environmentally safe antimicrobial. In fact, it is the same antimicrobial used in many of the leading hospitals and health care facilities. It is completely non-allergenic and delivers a fresh, pleasant scent…while it works to knock the you-know-what out of germs and viruses.
A duct-mounted UV air purifier helps eliminate contaminated air particles that could be circulating throughout your home. It works continuously to destroy the bacteria and viruses that are cycling through your air conditioning or heating system 100-150 times per 24 hour period. The ultraviolet light kills those infectious bad guys on contact!
For more information about how to "vaccinate your home" for winter, visit Deiter Bros website at or call 1-800-DEITER-1.