Vinyl Fence Installation: Contractor Or Landscaper?
This article helps you decide between a contractor and a landscaper when it comes to vinyl fence installation.
If you are considering putting in a vinyl fence and you have some extra money in your budget and not a lot of time on your hands it makes sense to have the fence put up for you.
The problem you run into is whether or not you should have a contractor or a landscaper put the fence up for you. Both have their pros and cons but the landscaper may be your better option.
The Contractor
The contractor may be the best option for you because they have the experience. They’ve put in hundreds of fences and know what they are doing. However,
contractors tend to be less personable about it. They’ll show up and put the fence where you want it and that’s it. Also they will probably try and sell you some additional materials for your fence (and this is especially true if the company you bought the fence from also is the contractor putting in the fence or is connected to the company putting the fence in).
The Landscaper
The landscaper is not going to have the same experience as the contractor but what they lack in experience in putting up vinyl fence they gain in visual design skill. They know how to put in a fence but they also know now to make the fence they put in very beautiful. They are also very adept at customer service. Their business is customer service oriented so they are generally going to provide better service overall and in the long run than the contractor would.