In some regions, the norm of wall mounting toilets has taken over by storm such as in Europe. In the United States wall mounted toilets are basically ...
In some regions, the norm of wall mounting toilets has taken over by storm such as in Europe. In the United States wall mounted toilets are basically used in public bathrooms. The main attraction towards the use of wall-mounted toilets is they take less space.
To make you understand what these toilets look like they are bowls hovering on the floor of the bathroom, that is what they look like. These toilets are a new remodeling concept and can be applied in new home construction. What are the key attractions that make one go for wall-mounted toilets?
In the United States, a standard toilet is found mounted on the floor and water tank on top of it. In Europe majority of toilets are wall mounted that has a water tank concealed. The United States is not so much into wall-mounted toilets in residential areas lest you visit public restrooms in malls, sports arenas, or airports.
They come in commercial versions in their own ways starting to pick up in the United States. The major difference between wall mounted toilets and residential toilets is the way the bowl is flushed. A residential setting with a wall-mounted toilet has the water tank concealed. A public setting of toilet will have flushometer valves that are supplied with large pipes.
A residential wall mounted toilet will not have metal pipes visible in the wall of the toilet and the water tank is not visible. A commercial wall mounted toilet has an inordinate volume of water used to flush the bowl. A residential model will definitely make use of less water.
The attraction of wall-mounted toilets is its aesthetic value. In addition they have good sanitary care. A base mounted toilet will most likely accumulate dust and grime at its base. It is simple to clean beneath a wall-mounted toilet’s bowl.
Click here for more info on Wall Mounted Toilets:Wall Mounted Toilets
Click this selection of Modern European One Piece Toilets: Modern European One Piece Toilets