Water heater warranty - things to remember
Is your water heater still under guaranty? If your tank is over five years old, there is a chance you may be out of guaranty. water drain water heaters can be the reason of huge damage, specifically if in the cockloft. You need to recognize when it's time to replace it.
Is your water heater still under guaranty? If your tank is over five years old,

there is a chance you may be out of guaranty. water drain water heaters can be the reason of huge damage, specifically if in the cockloft. You need to recognize when it's time to replace it.
Look at the panel on the side of your water heater. The date is not obviously marked but is incorporated in the serial number. If you show this number to your plumber, he will be able to check for you to find out if it is still under guaranty. Then, look at the seams, particularly near the bottom to see if there is any marks that liquid is or has been draining. Evidence are corrode or damage either on the tank or near it, like on the wall.
If your water heater is no longer producing hot water, or if the tank is draining, you are to repair it right away.
What if your water heater guaranty is still okay?
Considering the profit of a guaranty replacement when the water heater is 4-5 years old with a 6 yr. guaranty, the client should really consider if this is a clever choice or if at that point, they should just order a new water heater and get the complete guaranty protection of the new water heater.
Warranties are easy to validate. Just note the date, brand, model, whether it's electric or gas, and the size of the tank. Just call your local plumber with that information, and they will make the arrangements and find out the parts for you. Then they'll get you on the schedule as soon as possible so that you're not out of hot water long.
Your guaranty covers the repair of the original tank with a new tank. Not all warranties are the same. Rheem, for example, will change the unit but the guaranty on it will only run for the length of the original guaranty. The company doing the replacement will have to get the proof of guaranty, either the tank itself or the label from it showing the dates in order to get the new tank. This requires an initial trip to your home for these items before the replacement tank can be picked up. So there is more time, travel and labor involved.
What should you do if your tank is out of your guaranty period?
If you are out of your guaranty, do your homework. Frequently, the best performing models with the best warranties are purchased and served exclusively by your plumbing company. Your plumbing company should take out the necessary permit and handle scheduling the city inspection always required.