Water Heaters and How They Work
Most homes have water heaters. They serve a purpose and ensure that you get to take a nice hot shower in the morning. Here's a basic description of how they work.
Homeowners depend on water heaters every single day. You may not think about it when you turn on the faucet or go to take a shower,

but something is bringing the element of heat to making those experiences a little more pleasant. Waters travel a certain path to get to their point where they are heated up and then distributed throughout the home.
Water heaters have thermostats that regulate the temperature of the fluids inside. In most cases, you have the option to change the temperature, going up all the way to 180 degrees. The manufacturer suggests that the temperature be kept somewhere between 120 and 140 degrees. You want things to be warm but you do not want to be scalded when you turn on the faucet.
Families with children should always try to stay on the lower side of the spectrum. Smaller kids don't do well regulating the temperature coming out of the faucet. They have no idea that they could get scalded or burned. People also choose to stay at lower temperatures to conserve energy. Remember that every time you raise the temperature, it requires extra energy to produce and maintain it.
Dip Tube and Heat Out Pipe
Colder waters are brought into water heaters through the dip tube around the bottom of the tank. It is in this area that things begin to heat up. As the liquid warms, it begins to rise up to the top allowing for new liquids to come in and warm up. At the top of the tank, there is a heat out pipe that takes the liquids out and into the rest of the house. This means that you are going to get the liquids with the warmest temperatures first, giving the rest of it in the tank a chance to heat up.
While these are the basic parts, there are a lot of other parts of water heaters that make sure that the system runs efficiently. When you aren't getting the right temperature, you can be sure that something is not working properly. It some cases, it is the heating element located at the bottom. This means that nothing is warmed up and so it is impossible to deliver the warm waters out of the faucet or the shower.
If you do notice that things are not working correctly, it is important to call a professional in to take a look. You may be tempted to try and handle the situation on your own but because of the intricacies of the system, you run the risk of hurting yourself or parts of the system. Call around to find water heaters experts in the area and make an appointment as soon as possible.