Water Systems For Your Health And Safety
Water systems that keep this life-giving fluid pure are beneficial for health and safety of many people. Here are some things to think about.
The wellbeing of humans and all living things depend on water systems to stay hydrated. A body can go without food for longer than it can go without water. Having clean and pure sources will increase overall health. Pets and plants must have adequate watering,

as well, or they will get sick and eventually die. H2O keeps everything moist and moving. A person's complexion will appear more youthful if they've had enough liquids to drink; he or she will feel less tired; digestion will occur more smoothly; and perspiration will cleanse toxins via pores. How much does a person really need to drink each day? Here are some things to think about:
- Doctors recommendations: The amount that physicians recommend for humans to drink each day varies depending on the climate, season, and a person's activity level. If a person lives in the desert during the summer, he or she will need more. If the individual is very sedentary, he or she won't perspire as much as a person who works outside all day. The more active a person is, the more H2O he or she will need to consume. An average rule of thumb is 8 glasses daily.
- Foods contain it too: Fluids are contained by many of the foods that we eat. Think of watermelon, grapes, tomatoes and other juicy foods and you will see that there are lots of options for adding hydration via our diets. Beverages that contain caffeine aren't typically good sources of hydration.
- Color of urine: A good way to see if you are getting enough liquids is by noticing the color of your urine. The clearer it is, the more water is being consumed. Very dark and strong smelling urine often points to concentration due to dehydration.
- Thirst factor: By the time a person feels thirsty, he or she is already getting dehydrated. It's best to drink fluids throughout the day rather than just load up once or twice a day.
- Breastfeeding: Mothers who are breastfeeding their babies will need to increase their water consumption because they are using lots of their bodies' fluids to create breast milk. Not only will they become dehydrated without drinking enough, their milk production will dry up as well.
- Filtering systems: There are different techniques for making sure your H2O source is pure. Having your well or municipality's water tested will show you what contaminants are present. There are various means of purifying your source further by using faucet mounted filters, under the sink devices, pitchers that contain filtering devices to pour liquid through and a professionally installed reverse osmosis system.
Every living thing needs to stay hydrated in order to live, grow and thrive. A person should keep a container of it accessible at all times and sip throughout each day. If the weather is very hot and/or dry, extra should be consumed. If a person is participating in strenuous activities such as athletics, hikes or performing hard labor, he or she will need to up hydration. Having pure water systems in place will keep everyone healthier and increase wellbeing.