What does a meth lab look like? Find out and Protect the Neighborhood
"What does a meth lab look like?" is a good question to know the answer to when it seems like a neighbor may be participating in the manufacture of drugs.
If you do not do drugs but are fascinated by the world that these underground narcotics traffickers live in you may wonder about the details of their daily life. You may start to wonder what people like these eat,

or where they live. It may come to mind to ask whether they have children or if they use the drugs they make. Undoubtedly, there are many good documentaries that discuss the way these people operate and what their lives are like. Alone they are likely the best deterrent one could want against the increased use of these drugs. They show how much methamphetamine destroys and deteriorates every thing around it and dissolves its users from the inside out. One question best left to videos and photographs is, "What does a meth lab look like?" While this may seem like a simple and important question it is one that should never be addressed on one's own by going exploring. Police value reporting of these sites so that they may be dealt with and they are indeed best left to law enforcement. Often people will be suspicious of odd buildings or noxious odors emanating from storage units or sheds. The smell of chemicals and smoke leaving the building are both good indicators that perhaps something bad is going on. The most dangerous part of this process is that the drugs are made from over the counter medications and household chemicals. That means that these manufacturing sites are cropping up in neighborhoods and populated areas with increasing frequency. The danger of allowing these things to remain is incredibly high. They can explode or cause fires. If there is a suspicion that someone is making drugs in the neighborhood it is worthwhile to ask oneself, "What does a meth lab look like?" First of all, look for small exterior buildings that have the windows boarded up or covered, and yet seem to have people coming and going from them. It may be normal to have a boarded up shed in the backyard, but it is odd if people are spending several hours a day inside of it. Also, look for ventilation that seems ill suited to the type of building that it is. That means a tool shed with a large chimney and ventilation fan or open windows in the middle of the winter. Also, look for an inordinate amount of trash. Creating methamphetamines uses a lot of materials to make a small amount of products. Often people who produce it will have to go through many, many boxes of allergy medicine to make enough drugs for their demand. In addition to looking for signs that indicated, "What does a meth lab look like?" be sure to look for signs that point to the answer of "What does a drug abuser look like?" The physical signs of abusing this drug are obvious and so are their behaviors. If there are people up all hours of the night with open sores and pore hygiene, constantly going out to a small noxious smelling building, it is time to call the police and explain your suspicions.