What is the Best Flooring for Your First Home?
Questions to ask yourself when you move into your new home and have a very limited budget for flooring.
If you are faced with a new home and very little money to spend on it (which is typically the case) do not stress yourself by looking at the huge prices for carpet and marble tile flooring. Those kinds of expenses can come later when you have the basics sorted out. Just ask yourself a few questions to work out what to do :-
1. What is the Existing Floor Like?
Sometimes fitted carpets will be sold with the house or apartment. Sometimes you will be left with old floorboards or concrete. Sometimes you will have tiled floors. Sometimes they will be cracked. Survey what you have.
2. Do You Like the Existing Flooring?
Do you like or can you live with the previous owners choice or the existing floor? If you can,

clean the flooring to within an inch of its life and it will be fine for now.
3. Can the Flooring Be Restored?
If the flooring needs repairing investigate how much repairs would cost and then weigh up the difference between new flooring and repairing what you have.
4. If You Need to Replace the Flooring, How Much is Your Budget?
If you have very little money consider sanding and sealing or painting the floorboards (if you have floorboards) or covering the whole lot in vinyl tiles (evening the floor up first with hardboard if necessary). If you have a bit more cash to spend laminate flooring is a good option as you can usually install this yourself and reduce expenses.
Whatever flooring you choose you can always add your own finishing touches with some beautiful rugs when you get some additional money to spend on your home.