What You Need To Know About Home Security in Winter
Winter is the time of year when statistically you are most likely to be burgled. The following article discusses some key security measures you can do to ensure your house stays safe this winter.
In each of the last ten years in the UK,

the number of reported burglaries has increased significantly at the beginning of winter, with the number of incidents on big occasions like Bonfire Night up to 28% higher than on an average night. Winter is consistently the worst period of the year for break-ins, so it is therefore the one in which homeowners should pay the most attention to their security.
The big increase in burglaries in winter can be attributed to a number of different factors. For one thing, criminals always find it easier to operate under the cover of dark evenings and longer nights after the clocks have gone back. Intruders are also emboldened by the knowledge that people are more likely to be out at public displays and parties at this time of year, particularly with so much going on around Christmas time.
Fortunately, there are some tangible ways to decrease the likelihood of your home suffering a break-in. Some are obvious and easy to do, and some are less so. Firstly, it is important to remember that most burglars are very opportunistic in nature – they see an open window, or a house that looks empty and easy, and they take advantage. It seems obvious, but remembering to lock your doors and windows can make a huge difference. More than 5,000 people were burgled last year because they didn’t lock their front door, so it’s not as silly as it sounds. Other simple actions like leaving your living room lights on when you go out can also help to prevent burglars from seeing your home as an easy target.
Once you have all the basics covered, it can then be worth spending some time considering what your home’s weak points are, and how they might be exploited by an intruder. You may be able to identify some of these weaknesses yourselves, but for a really thorough assessment it’s a good idea to get a locksmith to perform a security check. If you ask a locksmith to visit, he can tell you exactly where the house is vulnerable, and can offer you solutions to fix any issues that arise.
The suggestions may be small, for example a bolt and chain fitted to the front door, or a motion sensor alarm outside the house. Alternatively, they may tell you that more serious, significant work is needed, for example replacement locks for the windows.
Calling out a locksmith and upgrading your security will almost certainly involve you spending some money, but if it saves you the trauma of having your house broken into and your most valuable possessions stolen, then it is surely worth it.
Every year in November the clocks go back and the thieves come out, so don’t be caught out this winter – a few extra security measures and little precautions here and there could mean the difference between an opportunistic burglar trying his luck at your property or passing it by in search of an easier target.