Windows and Doors are a Vital Part to Any Building
Windows and doors may seem like some of the most insignificant elements of a home or building. However, this is not the case.
Windows and doors are an extremely important part of any building. First of all,

they help to enhance the look of the space. For example, someone could move into a home or build a home and set up an entry way that's white or tan. Although it may look nice, it will not grab anyone's attention. However, if they were to put up a red or an orange door, this would be something that almost everyone would notice. A beautiful window pretty much works the same way.
For example, if a church has regular clear windows and someone was on the outside looking in, it probably wouldn't cause them to be too intrigued. However, if that same church installed stained glass windows, it might even cause people to stop and look with wonder, depending on how unique the patterns are. So, windows and doors do a lot to add to the look of a building.
Not only are windows and doors important in the aforementioned situations, however, they are also vital when it comes to protecting people from outside elements. For instance, if a home had no front door and a rainstorm came through, the people inside would not feel protected. They may have a roof over their heads. However, they would still be able to feel the wind and rain depending on where they are located in the home. This goes for the window as well.
If someone were sitting in their room, for instance, during a snowy day, some of the snow would actually make it into the room. This could possibly cause their furniture and other items to become ruined.
Weather isn't the only thing someone would have to be concerned about. Birds, insects and other creatures would be able to get inside without much trouble. This may be fine for nature lovers. However, even for those who love animals, there are some creatures that should not just be allowed into a home without proper inspection. That is because some animals carry harmful diseases.
So, it is clear to see that windows and doors are almost as important as having a roof. Although the impact of snow or rain would not be felt at the same level as it would if someone had no roof, it would still be extremely noticeable. So, the next time you look at a home, walk through your own house or any building for that matter; think about how different it would be if there were no windows and doors. There's a good chance you wouldn't feel comfortable, safe or secure. These two aspects are a vital and necessary part to any building no matter how big or small.