5 Truths about Building Blog Traffic

May 7


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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Generating blog traffic is the most important aspect of the blog building process and requires an investment of time and effort. Many are mislead by the ease of creating a blog and think that the site can be fully developed with the same ease and speed as well. Read further to discover 5 realities that you face when embarking upon the journey to building your own successful blog.

Creating a flow of blog traffic is the foundation upon which the site is built. At best the blog building process will take months before progress begins to become evident. Even then do not expect any significant leaps and bounds overnight,5 Truths about Building Blog Traffic Articles at least NOT in the early stages. Many are mislead by the ease of creating a blog into thinking the process of fully developing it comes as quickly and easily and this is NOT TRUE! Even the most popular blogs found online had to invest considerable time and effort before they recognize any results.

Here are 5 realities about the blog building process it is best that you know and accept now to be prepared for the journey ahead.

Search Engine Traffic is a Long 'Process'

As true as it is that blogs are favored by search engines due to their frequent updates do NOT expect an overnight avalanche of traffic. Building search engine traffic is much like blog building insofar as they are both a process that takes time and consistent effort.

Update Consistently

Establish a realistic schedule for updating your site and try to maintain it so that readers know what to expect. You will discover that frequent updates are what will initially attract visitors and you want them to know when to expect the next new post. Maintain consistency in this area and always remember the more you update the more people (and search engines) will return to the site.

Prioritize Returning Visitors

Generating new traffic to your site is always exciting but you must NOT forget the importance of keeping your current visitors coming back. The importance of returning visitors is that their 'loyalty' will spawn new visitors through the references they give. Also by having 'regulars' frequent your site they will likely interact and leave comments that help give your site 'social proof' to any new visitors. In the long run it is the returning visitors that give most popular blogs the 'notoriety' they maintain within the online community.

Multiple Traffic Sources is Best

Developing multiple sources of traffic is important since some origins may not produce visitors who are as responsive as others. Along these lines you will also have sources such as social sites that will not produce a high percentage of repeat visitors. Remember no source will be permanent which is why your frequent updating is so important.

Count on Inconsistent Traffic Flow

Although the blog building process does require your consistent efforts do NOT expect your traffic flow to maintain the same consistency. For many reasons visitors will not maintain a regular pattern of visits. An increase or decrease in outdoor activity (change of seasons) will affect traffic flow as will 'life' itself. Family matters, personal commitments and so on will temper your traffic flow. The only consistency you can and should rely upon is your own.

Developing blog traffic is the first and most significant step needed to be taken to help establish your site. Blog building is a process that takes an investment of time and energy before results of any significance will even be seen. This process is something that even the most popular blogs you can find online had to endure to achieve the level of success they have. The 5 realities of blog building discussed above are meant only to better prepare you for what it will take to develop your site. Do not be fooled by the ease of creating a blog that the building process will be completed as quickly and effortlessly as well. With patience and a willingness to consistently put forth some effort you will find that a fully developed blog will be worth the time and energy you invested.