7 Huge Benefits of Free Open Source Software
No matter what your online needs there is most likely a free open source software to accommodate them!The big difference between 'licensed' software as opposed to open source is it's typically of no cost to you and is supported by a community of developers!Read more to discover 5 compelling reasons for you to use and enjoy the cutting edge technology of open source developers!
No matter what your online needs there is most likely a free open source software to accommodate them! The biggest difference between 'licensed' software as opposed to open source is it's typically of no cost to you and it is supported by a community of developers from around the globe! What this means to you is you're able to enjoy cutting edge technology that won't put a dent in your budget! This is truly a case where 'you get what you paid for' does NOT apply!
Here are 5 compelling reasons for you to use and enjoy the cutting edge technology of open source developers!
Budget Friendly
As already mentioned most software developed through open source 'channels' is generally available at no cost to you! If nothing more this should temp a person to trial different tools they come across since 'nothing ventured,

nothing lost' in terms of a financial investment!
Maintaining and updating this software is done by a community of developers and not just one 'genius' assigned the responsibility! It is important to note their efforts are motivated by their passion and not by a paycheck so the quality of their efforts will generally be much better! Passion always serves as a much better motivator than cash money and therefore the assertion the work quality will be better is a reasonable one!
With a virtual community of developers looking for potential bugs it's rather hard for them to escape detection for long! By virtue of the fact OSS tends to be updated more frequently it's likely security is regularly improved as well! The recent 'leak' about private information being collected by organizations online revealed how certain 'bugs' were allegedly allowed to linger thus giving snoopers more chance to view your personal matters before updates were applied! When dealing with an international community of developers however 'organizations' looking for this type cooperation will be more challenged!
Unlike licensed software, the 'open source' variety allows for people to customize what they are using as they see fit! Now you've got cutting edge technology that has been tailored to fit your particular needs and once again, at no cost to you! Take that Microsoft!
As the internet environment changes many licensed software's become less effective HOWEVER you are given the option to pay for an upgrade! Whoopee! OSS does NOT restrict you from making the necessary changes to adapt to most changes! Think about that, you can go literally for years using a software tool that you can bend and mold to your liking and to address operating environment changes! On the other hand by paying for an upgrade with a 'licensed' product you get a chance to spend more money and the 'bugs' that come with it are at no cost to you! Good deal or not, what do you think?
Free open source software is usually of great quality and typically reflects cutting edge technology put together by a community of developers from around the world! Just because there is no cost to you doesn't mean its effectiveness will be inferior since designers are motivated more by their passion than by a paycheck! The 5 reasons to choose 'freeware' when available reviewed above should be motivation enough for you to put away your money and begin searching the net for these quality tools to help fill your needs! If you have had any experience, good or bad, with using open source software please share with all of us by leaving a comment! Love to hear from you!