Provides information on various aspects of internet speed accelerator.
The quest for faster Internet speeds can not be satisfied and while not everyone can afford the T1 dedicated lines which cost around $300 a month, most of the people can get the best out of their current Internet connections. This is done by using DSL speed accelerator tools. Here is a look at some of the most popular DSL web accelerator tools which you can consider.
First product is the Web Speed Accelerator from the company which shares the name with the product., The solution claims to increase the speeds of web surfing by as much as 350%. The solution is priced at around $20. The main principle on which this software works is that it optimizes various settings related to TCP/IP protocol stack. The common setting which are optimized include Max Transition, Packet Detection, Time to live and RWN.
Apart from the Internet speed improvement, this solution also assists the computer in memory management and makes the computer run faster. This solution can work with both ADSL and dialup along with DSL because it works at the protocol level and not a connection level.
The second product you can consider is DSL Speed from DSL-SPEED.ORG. The solution claims to set your internet settings in such a manner that they deliver maximum performance. The solution uses online services to determine the MTU and DSL unique optimize value for your computer. The solution also comes with offline optimization features. The solution also tweaks the Internet Connection Sharing settings in Windows 98SE and it is also able to tweak the caching of DNS in Windows 2000 and XP.
This solution is priced at $24.95. Being able to optimize the connection both online and offline is what makes the solution worth the extra dollars. It can meter and optimize the upload speeds as well.
Next up is Internet Tweak from Magelass Corp. Unlike other accelerators in the category, this is the only one which claims to optimize not only your web surfing speeds but also the speeds of you email client. So your second most important activity on the Internet also becomes way faster. The solution works by optimizing the settings at three levels. It works by optimizing the settings of your DSL modem, your web browser and even your email client.
The solution is priced at $19. For the options and features that are provided by this software package, $19 is not a price, it is a steal!
These DSL speed accelerator solutions are also capable of improving the VoIP line speeds. These tools can improve the speeds but it is recommended that you should read reviews before making purchase decision.
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