Advertise Your Blog

Jul 19


Tristram Lodge

Tristram Lodge

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You're just about ready to hit publish but before you do I want to give you some blog posting tips so your post can get ranked higher in the search engines.

When you are looking to advertise your blog what are the best places to look for and why?

So many people think that they have to spend out lots of money to advertise their blog and the truth is you can do it for very little,Advertise Your Blog Articles in most cases it’s free. With the current state of the economy that is something that every home business owner and blogger wants to hear.

By the end of this article you will have a very good understanding of where to advertise your blog and the reasons why you should be advertising there. Now when I say advertising its not really advertising but more about getting your blog noticed.

You could argue that every time you place a link somewhere that heads back to your blog then that is advertising! Well I will leave you to decide on that one. Here is a list of place I like to use to get my blog noticed.

* Search Engines

* Social Media

* Forums

Search Engines – Now I know what you are thinking, you’re not allowed to pay for advertising for a blog on the internet and you’re absolutely right. However I’m not talking about paid advertising like pay per click but getting free organic traffic from your advertising.

This long term strategy is actually better than pay per click anyway. Did you know that only around 3% of people will click the top spot on a pay per click campaign and that around 40% of people will click the top spot on the organic searches for the same keyword?

So not only are you getting 15 times more traffic than a paid campaign but you are geting it for free as well.

Social Media – This is great as you can use this as an extension of your blog and you can put links in lots of different groups within your niche. Most social networks will have groups setup for most kinds of niches.

The draw back to this is the time you spend placing those links in each group. Also if you stop doing it than your traffic stops as well and therefore your income stops at the same time.

Forums – Forums are great because you can really showcase your talents and help lots of people with your in-depth knowledge. With a forum you get a signature box which leads back to your blog.

As with social media this can be very time consuming, however if you are involved with a long and interesting thread then you may be posting quite a lot and more people will see that all important signature box. Also the thread will continue after you have gone so people may read your comment.

All 3 are very powerful but the one that stands out the most is to advertise your blog is on the search engines. The other two strategies can be used to push your posts up the search engines, but it is those that will bring you the most traffic over a longer period of time. Which ever you choice it is always essential to have a marketing funnel, tools and training as part of your strategy.

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