Knowing the purpose of your blog before you start blogging is a critical blogging tip. Find out the most common reason for starting a wordpress blog and becoming a blogger in this article.
Before You Begin Wordpress Blogging
Before you start your wordpress blog there are several things to consider. Firstly,
you want to think about your target audience otherwise known as your niche.
Who is the blog for?
What is the purpose of your blog?
What’s your vision?
You need to have a vision for your wordpress blog and you also need to set a blogging intention.
These two things are critical so that you have a map to follow and you know where you are going at all times.
Without a clear idea of why you are blogging, it is very hard to maintain enthusiasm and momentum.
Set the intention of your blog before you do anything else. Once you know why you are blogging it will be much easier to decide on the look of your blog (your theme) and the style of your blog (casual, formal or somewhere in between). Decide who your target audience is and then it is much easier to decide on content as well.
Blog Tips - There are 5 main reasons for blogging:
1. To build a bigger customer list for an existing business
An easy way to build your database is to bring traffic to your blog and have a free, irresistible offer. People have to type in their email address to receive the offer and thus your database of prospects grows.
2. To increase sales for an existing business
The interactive nature of a wordpress blog helps communication between you and your customers. You can explain to your customers the benefits of your products and your customers can tell you what they like and even dislike about your stuff and service. A dialogue is opened.
3. You have a new business and you want to build a customer database
A blog is a fast way to test if you can build a database of clients. If people are interested in your information they will be happy to give you their email address. If your information is valuable they will return to your site to get the latest updates or they can subscribe to your RSS feed.
4. You have a new business and you want to test if a new product will sell
A wordpress blog, since it is an interactive website can initiate and promote a dialogue between you, the business owner and your customer. Your customer will tell you if they like your product - if you ask them. Your customer will also tell you what they want or need so that you can create the perfect product for them.
5. To promote/publicize a hobby or special interest
Wordpress blogs can be used to collect together a group of like-minded individuals to share their common interests or goals.
Blogs can be used to gauge and change popular opinion. If you have a particular cause or favourite charity you can use your blog to talk about upcoming events or critical issues.