Blogging is Officially Dead
What? Blogging is officially dead? How can that be aren't there millions and millions of blogs out there? Are people making a full time income just using the power of a blog? Read on the find out what I mean.
What? Blogging is officially dead? How can that be aren't there millions and millions of blogs out there? Are people making a full time income just using the power of a blog?

the answer is yes there are million and millions of blogs and some are making a full time income using their blogs, but for most blogging is officially dead.
What do I mean by that? I mean that most people start blogging and eventually stop updating their blog all together... Their blog dies... It starts pushing up daisies, it kicks the can, it bites the dust... I think you get the point.
What people fail to realize is that the secret to blogging is consistency.
That's not much of a secret is it? It might not be some hot, sexy tip, but it's certainly the truth. And often the truth is more powerful than anything else. It's the way to truly enlighten people. Once they know the truth they can take action steps to move along the proper path.
So, you might be wondering how does this really concern me. The answer is that if you want to make your blog successful. You want it to product an endless stream of leads, and therefore sales and income. Then you need to be consistent. It's as simple as that.
Set a goal to write a post, or make a video, and post it on your blog at least twice a week. If you are ambitious then make your goal to post 3, 4, 5 times a week. I know that sounds like a lot of effort and time... Well, to be honest it does take a fair amount of time, but if you want to succeed you need to put in that time and effort. There are no get rich quick deals... You need to work for what's really worth it in life.
If you put in the effort to post even twice a week you will see your traffic, opt-ins, sales and income steadily increase. And the great thing with a blog is that once you create the content it can pull in leads and sales 'til the dawn of time.
But, if you abandon your blog and let it die you will never reap the rewards. So, get out there and start creating, it's not as hard as you think. You already know what to write or say you just have to believe in yourself and get into action.