If you are a newbi to Internet Marketing and wonder "how do I go about setting up my own Website" the following will point you in the right direction....
If you have been thinking "how do I make my own website",

and want advice about building a web page, then do not be afraid, it need not be as complicated as you might think! Once you know how, you will be away, but where do you start? The truth is that really, anyone can learn how to make a web page, and as long as you follow a few easy techniques, you will be sure to have a site that stands out from the rest!
HAVE A GOOD PLAN IN MINDBefore you begin, it is important you have a good plan in mind, and ask yourself: When I am building a web page what do I want the website to do? This might seem like a fairly obvious question, but it is surprisingly overlooked by most website owners, but by over-looking it, you could end up being disappointed with your website performance.
Always make sure, in your plan, you ask yourself a few important questions; why you want the website, what will its main purpose be for, what potential visitors expect to see upon visiting, how much would you be prepared to pay, and will you be working on it yourself? All these questions are essential when it comes to building a web page, so it is important that you know all the details of your site before you start.
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR SITE?Do you want your site to sell things for you or do you just need it to attract customers to your business? Once you know the purpose of your site, then you will already have a rough idea of what you would like it to look like, because as a visitor to other sites in the past, you will know what you would want to see if you were visiting your site.
It is always important to research what else is out there, so you know to target the right key words. You need to be aware of which search terms people would be most likely to use, so that you have a better chance of appearing higher up on Google in order to draw traffic to your site. By researching into popular keywords, you can make a conscious effort to include them throughout your site, improving your Google position.
With any website project, you have planned, you will have two main choices in mind. Should I make my own website, or get someone else to do it for you. Alternatively, you could potentially do a little bit of both, but most web site owners choose between the two, depending on experience and time scale!
Having someone build it for you is often considered by most small businesses wanting a website. It does not mean outsourcing necessarily, more often than not, it will mean buying a web design package or a service that will do the work for you. This is perfect if you are not very experienced, or you have a short time frame that you would not be able to work to yourself. This is very commonly done, and even the most experienced web masters do it too nowadays.
Your level of experience and expertise, and how much time you are willing and able to commit to the creation of your website will determine how much you will be able to do yourself, and how much you will need to outsource.
Once you learn how to make a web page, you need to start thinking about the promotion of your website. There are many ways you can do this over the internet, and as well as being incredibly simple to do, they are also very cost effective, and can often cost next to nothing!
You Tube is the generations favourite video site, for example, did you know that in October of 2008, 147 million U.S. Internet users watched an average of 92 videos per viewer, and in the same month a year later, You Tube received over 1 billion views a day! Making it a perfect place to begin your promotion for free!
If you do not mind investing a small amount of money into the advertising of your website, you might also want to consider Banner Advertising. By Banner advertising, you can pay website owners to host a banner linking back to your site on their website. The best way to succeed in Banner Advertising is to pick a website that relates fairly well to your site. For example if you are selling top quality car cleaning products, you might want to consider looking into Banner Adverts on car websites. Prices, however, can vary, but nowadays, you can often reach agreements with site owners to make it more affordable for you. For example, either having a 'Pay Per Click' Paying system, or just a monthly fee, whichever works out cheaper!
Remember, building a website needn't be difficult or stressful, a lot of the time, learn how to make a web page can be a lot of fun to do, and once these hurdles are tackled, you're sure to be onto a winner.