Business Social Media: Organizing Customer Relations
Business social media networking is an excellent way to highlight your services, products, new developments, company information and even provide a re...
Business social media networking is an excellent way to highlight your services,

products, new developments, company information and even provide a real connection to customers around the world. However, if you don't manage your social media you may find that it becomes overwhelming and time consuming. Using a few simple strategies and organization options found on the sites will allow you to take advantage of the benefits.
Using business social media websites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn is no longer just for the technology gurus of the business world. The easy-to-use platforms allow businesses to communicate to their customers and receive feedback. It also allows the business to get a better feel for their target group of clients or customers as well as ideas on how to expand. The drawback is that a lot of information comes in, so organization is going to be key. One of the biggest issues is finding time to respond to posts. A good idea is to set aside a specific amount of time to interact online. This can be multiple times throughout the day or a specific block of hours. Keep to your schedule so you can still accomplish all other necessary tasks.
Another management tool in business social media campaigns is to utilize the software options provided by the networking sites. You can personalize your social media tools so that they relate to your area of interest and expertise. You can minimize your search so that you only view posts, links and information with specific terms. This reduces the number of posts you have to read, plus it eliminates a lot of the personal or more social side of the social media websites. However, you may also be missing some valuable opportunities to find new followers if you don't keep your search options broad enough to encompass terms related to what you want to discuss and promote.
Keeping your business sites separate from personal sites is also an important consideration. With a clear distinction between the two you can respond to business posts during work hours and personal posts at your leisure. Combining the two is never a good idea as this can give a mixed message to possible customers. Remember that they may not want to be informed of your personal life and it can come across as unprofessional. The separation of business and pleasure shows that you are focused on the task at hand, and that you are fully engaged in meeting the needs of your customers.
With business social media websites it is also critical to avoid the trap of trying to respond to each and every friend and follower. Being selective in how you respond by including a small group of posts is always important, particularly when your numbers grow. Generalized posts are a real time saver, and they still allow you to have the option to form personal relationships within the group or on the website. Remember that timely responses are also much appreciated by followers or fans. Follow-up responses will certainly help you establish the online presence of your business. Whenever there is the opportunity for marketing, providing information to the public or targeting a specific audience, it just makes sense to use every option available.