Choosing a Platform for Your Dedicated Server
When you switch from a shared server to a dedicated server, there will be lots of decisions you’ll need to make. One of those decisions is the kind of...
When you switch from a shared server to a dedicated server,

there will be lots of decisions you’ll need to make. One of those decisions is the kind of platform that you’ll be using. The platform is of course, the foundation from which your entire website will be built; and could perhaps provide the entire layout for your offline data as well. Dedicated servers come with either a Windows NT platform, or a UNIX platform, which includes Linux and Solaris. You’ll hear about many different features for each of these. But in the end, which one is going to be best for you?
The choice, as with just about every other one you’ll make regarding your dedicated server, will depend on personal choice and the needs of your website. If you’re already running your other systems from a Windows platform and are very comfortable with it, you’ll have no problem picking up the Windows platform on a dedicated server. Windows NT is also the easiest of all platforms to install and so, many users find this makes it even more user-friendly.
UNIX platforms are also highly boasted as being very easy to use, but truthfully they are a strictly text environment and some find that it’s hard to get used to; especially if they have never worked within a UNIX platform before. Dedicated servers that run off a UNIX platform are cheaper though; and this is a huge benefit to anyone that feels comfortable enough to use them.
Generally the best advice is to work within whatever operating system you feel most comfortable with and that you’re sure you can handle. If you’re currently running everything from a Windows platform, but make the switch to UNIX for your server simply because it’s cheaper, it could actually cost you more in the long run. This is because there’s a good chance that you’ll need to invest in applications and software that you wouldn’t have needed if you chose a platform you were already using.
Know that whatever platform you choose for your website, you’ll get superior performance and a nicely laid out website, and with a comprehensive infrastructure. While Windows NT and UNIX do definitely have their differences, they are both very good platforms that will be perfectly capable of running your website the way you need it to.
If you’re not actually going to be managing and maintaining the dedicated server yourself, you might want to ask your technical consultant which platform they prefer. Of course you will still have final say, but knowing which type of platform they’re most comfortable working in could also be cost and time-effective for you.
If you’re really unsure of what type of platform to choose for your dedicated server, never be afraid to ask the web host you plan on using. They’ll be able to provide useful insight and advice as to which type of platform would be best for you, and your website.