Creating High Resale Prices For Resale Rights Ebooks
The right way to earn money on the Internet is to purchase resale rights for quality eBooks and then sell them without lowering the prices to an absurd level. By keeping the prices high, you can create an aura around your eBook and maintain a standard of quality, which people normally associate with higher prices.
The basic problem in this simple and logical plan is that there are some sellers in the virtual world,

whose only aim is to recover the money that they have invested in purchasing the resale rights and are more than happy to collect the change leftover after they have recovered their investment. They consequently manage to reduce the sweat and tears of not only the original author, but even of others who have purchased the resale rights, to a ridiculously low amount, sometimes even down to $1 for an eBook. The best motto in such a case would be, "If you cannot beat them in price, for more details visit to beat them in quality". You should check your resale rights and in case you have purchased the eBook with private label rights that allows you to change the title, content, etc of your eBook, then you could start by changing the title and the image of your eBook by including some sharp graphics, so that although it seems similar and shows up in all the related searches, people still will not confuse it with the $1 eBook, which your competitor is offering. You can also change some of the content to make the eBook more appealing to your prospective clients.
If you have only the basic resale rights on your eBook, then alternatively you can convert your single eBook into an attractive package with some related eBooks or articles added along with the eBook. For example, if your eBook is about gardening, then you can also add another eBook of garden furniture to make it an ideal package, since people who spend a lot of time gardening might be interested in garden furniture too. That way you can now justify your higher prices and people usually associate a package as a good deal as compared to paying for a single product. You can also make different packages with different eBooks, for more details visit to and keep your key eBook as a common factor in all the packages. This will offer a wider variety to your intended clients, at the same time ensuring that the particular eBook is sold, even if the client purchases any package.
So, with a little ingenuity and imagination, you can ensure that you earn a good margin on your eBooks and by pursuing this method, you will get your investment back as soon as you sell a few eBooks or few packages, while your competitor might have to wait for a longer time to recover his money back and even longer to earn a decent profit. There are many reasons why authors choose to get their books reviewed, but most reasons seem to stem back to the fact that book reviews actually work, and thus it is a safe investment for the author to make. By changing your tactics according to the rights and topics of your eBooks, you can virtually stay one step ahead of your competition and earn high margins on your resale rights eBooks.