An article which explains the different types of wireless internet, and what's happening in the industry.
This is an era where the worldwide web has expanded into so many areas of our lives. We communicate, socialize, engage in commerce, entertain ourselves, and so much more. The internet isn't going anywhere anytime soon, an in fact, it will continue to morph into something bigger and better to enhance society. Some of the newer options from internet service providers in my area have really changed how we live.
For several years now consumers have enjoyed wireless internet home networks, where they are able to have all of their devices, including laptops, notebooks, printers, etc. all connected online with a wireless router. The router broadcasts the internet signal throughout the home, where users can connect their device to one internet account and share it.
Of course, a wireless router first requires a wired connection like DSL internet or cable internet. Wireless internet through a router generally broadcasts through your entire house, and sometimes into your yard, but generally not much farther than 300 feet from your home.
Broadband that is considered truly wireless, e.g. not through a router, is a fairly new innovation. Depending on the plan, the wireless connection can just be limited to your home, or it can be a mobile plan that lets you move throughout your entire coverage area.
The size of your coverage area will depend upon the provider you select, as well as the plan you pay for. Generally, it covers an entire city or metropolitan area. If you are someone who does a lot of traveling, you'll want to select a provider that has networks in the cities you tend to travel to, so that you can enjoy coverage even when you are on the road.
With the development of mobile broadband, an interesting thing has happened. Internet providers are finding that their networks are getting taxed, especially during peak usage hours. There is a limited amount of bandwidth available on our networks, and now that they have increased demand for the internet by expanding our ability to be online even while we move about, they are now dealing with how to make sure everyone has a good experience.
Many providers are putting usage caps on their plans in order to curb heavy users from hogging bandwidth. Most of us will never have to worry about these usage caps, at least for the time being. But if you do get close to using your allotted bandwidth, you may receive a warning, or you may be charged overuse fees. Some providers also slow down your internet connection to encourage you to reign in your usage, which is also known as throttling. Another solution is to encourage users to use internet without worrying about usage caps during non-peak hours.
Whatever the long-term solutions are, this is certainly an exciting time to witness as history is being made with the information superhighway, and all of the expanding technologies that are being spawned from it. Telecommunications companies are committed to dealing with these problems that come up as they continue to develop the worldwide web.
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