Joomla is fast becoming one of the most popular types of content management systems used for websites and online today. With Joomla, just like many ot...
Joomla is fast becoming one of the most popular types of content management systems used for websites and online today. With Joomla,

just like many other CMS, you can place all of your text, videos, and published content into a large database, allowing you to organize and manage it very easily. Unlike many CMS programs that are out there today, Joomla is also extremely flexible and customizable, meaning that you can use it in just about any way you want.
But what does organizing files have to do with web hosting?
Firstly, Joomla is about much more than just file organization. With Joomla you can build onto your site with just about anything you want including galleries, shopping carts, guestbooks, blogging tools, and just about anything else that you could want. There are literally thousands of third-party plug-in modules available for Joomla; so whatever you could need, you can bet that someone’s already thought of it – and created a solution!
So what does this have to do with your web hosting?
Something as flexible and customizable as Joomla requires an extensive network of complicated functions and components that need to be installed directly on the web server. Some web hosting companies take the time to install Joomla on at least some of their web servers so that they can cater to the segment of the market that demands it. Unfortunately though, not all web hosts do. And if you want to take advantage of Joomla, you must choose a web host that already has it installed on their servers.
When looking for a Joomla web host, it’s even more important to do your research and make sure you ask a lot of questions before signing up. First, ask if they are a Joomla web host, with Joomla already installed. If they are, then start looking around for reviews or testimonials about the company. While this should be done with just about any web host you’re considering, it’s especially important when you’re looking for Joomla hosting.
This is because, as stated, Joomla is a whole grouping of different technical components and underlying functions. If even one of these functions or features is out of place when Joomla is installed, it will affect the entire software and it will not function correctly. Therefore, you’ll be back to where you started with no Joomla hosting. Reviews and testimonials can save you from this headache, if you make sure to look for reviews stating that the user had a very good Joomla experience.
Joomla is very easily one of the most in demand CMS programs that are out there today. And when you sign up with a good web host that offers it, you’ll be able to do so much more with your website. Many of the plugins are even offered free! Do your research beforehand and know your Joomla host before you sign up, and you’ll be well on your way to seeing what all the excitement’s about!