Five Great Reasons to Play Dress Up

Feb 23


Erin Petersson

Erin Petersson

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Dress Up is a friendly on line game for children.


Of the many games toddlers and preschoolers enjoy,Five Great Reasons to Play Dress Up Articles the best by far is dress up. When you play dress up with your child, you’re introducing and encouraging her to put on clothing and costumes that depict different characters. Once dressed as a fairy princess or a fireman, your child takes on that role for a time in an often intricate means of role play.

Role Play is Crucial for Proper Development

It’s important for children to learn to role play. When taking on the role of the fairy princess, for example, your child reaches deep into her creativity to come up with things to do and full story lines to act out. Other family members are pulled into the role play and your child’s imagination comes alive. Role play has been linked to healthy development especially in regards to creativity and looking beyond the obvious.

Dress Up is a Healthy Alternative to Battery Toys

There are too many toys available for children that don’t emphasize the mind enough. When your child needs only push a button or flip a switch to have a good time, she’s not working hard enough at play. Play is a child’s form of learning for the first years of her life. It’s a time of discovery and the best way for the mind to expand and process what it’s been learning. Encourage dress up by buying interesting outfits and cast-off Halloween costumes at the consignment or second-hand shops in your area. The more terrific items in your dress up clothes box, the more fun your child can have.

Dress Up Never Repeats

No matter how many times your child dresses up like a fairytale princess, the game will never be the same. The story line and even the accessories change each time she plays. Invite a different friend over and she’s infused the story with new life and new characters, again reaching into her creativity and imagination.

Dress Up Is a Highly Social Game

Preschoolers are highly social creatures. They enjoy making new friends and being around others. But even shy children who have a hard time around others can enjoy a game of dress up. Putting on the costumes gives them an element of protection as they are now a character rather than themselves and helps a child relax and enjoy themselves around others. Invite a group of children over and provide a box of interesting clothing and accessories and you’ll have a full-scale dress up adventure.

Dress Up Is Inexpensive Amusement

The price of toys and movies seems to have skyrocketed for children. Fortunately, there are games that don’t cost nearly as much to play. Start collecting clothing items your children can play with instead of selling or giving them away. Score new inexpensive items at garage sales, second hand stores and through hand-me-downs from friends. Old formals and dance costumes are especially fun for little girls if you can find them. Boys enjoy hats and interesting accessories.