Generating Free Blog Traffic via Blogger Forums

Nov 1


Terry Green

Terry Green

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Blog forums are great ways to generate free traffic to your blog. You know for a fact that you won't be beating a dead horse since all the users are there because of a shared interest in the topic. Some examples of such forums include Blogger Forum, Bloggeries and Blogst Forum. A Google search will yield a vast number of results. Be sure to check how active any forum is prior to registration -- that way you can start with the busiest.

Blog forums are great ways to generate free traffic to your blog. You know for a fact that you won't be beating a dead horse since all the users are there because of a shared interest in the topic.

Some examples of such forums include Blogger Forum,Generating Free Blog Traffic via Blogger Forums Articles Bloggeries and Blogst Forum. A Google search will yield a vast number of results. Be sure to check how active any forum is prior to registration -- that way you can start with the busiest.

Remember to carefully read any forum's rules prior to posting and abide by them. Also, don't spam the boards with multiple posts just containing the link to your blog. All that will do is alienate potential visitors.

There are many benefits of using blog forums. It's not just for advertising your blog link and accumulating traffic.

You can make posts asking others to appraise your blog and point out both the positive and negative aspects. Ask people to critique the style, layout and content. Keep in mind that opinions differ hugely so it doesn't mean something is bad if a couple of people don't like a particular aspect. It could be just a matter of taste. However, if you consistently get negative comments about a particular aspect, think about what changes you can make to improve those areas.

Return the favor by offering to critique the blogs of others. Not only are people more likely to help you if they see you are willing to reciprocate, but by viewing other blogs you will get an idea of what works and what doesn't, and learn to view your own blog more objectively.

By reading the forum posts you will also pick up a lot of helpful tips and tricks from other bloggers on subjects such as content, advertising and affiliate marketing. Learn as much as you can and make notes on anything of particular interest. You can implement good ideas to make your own blog more successful.

Don't expect to become an overnight success just by placing your link on a few forums. You will only get out of it as much as you put into it. Advertise your blog on as many forums as you can to gain maximum exposure and you will be rewarded with a steady increase in traffic.