Get an Amerian IP address in Canada for Hulu and Hulu Plus
If you like American TV, Hulu's the show for you. But you need an American IP to access it.
Even though Canada is so close to America is culture and location,

there's still a lot we don't share with them. Sorry guys. And one of those things is television. Many people know about Hulu, but most don't know how to get it. Despite blocking anyone without an American IP address, it actually is possible to watch Hulu in Canada. The key is to getting an American IP address is Canada. How do you do that?Well, some people know about open proxies, and how they can help you change your IP address. If you said, "Ah, I knew that!", don't get excited. Though open proxies and web based proxies are commonly used to change your IP address and get past firewalls, they won't work on Hulu. This will however.To get an American IP address in Canada that will get past Hulu's filters, you need to sign into a virtual private network. If you've never heard of it, it might sounds a bit complicated, but its not. All you do is sign up for the service, download the file the give you, choose a server location in The USA (there will probably be several locations around the world), wait for it to give you the green light that you're signed in, and you've now go an American IP.This won't get you into Hulu every time however. Hulu's pretty hard to fool, so you've got to be extra secret. Delete Hulu's cookies, and clear you browser cache. Sometimes I have to clear my browser history, flush my DNS, and restart my browser to get a fresh start with Hulu. I've read that they have some sort of "super cookie" which may be the issues, but I've also read that IP data can be stored in temporary Internet files and browsers (especially Firefox), so clearing that will help with Hulu not being able to recognize you.Of course, even with this American IP address in Canada, you will only get you access to the free version of Hulu. For the most part, that's enough because you'll get all the newest episodes of shows. If you're looking to sign up for Hulu Plus, you may have to borrow a friends credit card, or buy gift certificates online because they won't take credit cards. Another solution would be to use a Paypal or other online payment account to sign up. I was able to sign up from China with my Paypal account.