Testimonies are important in building trust with your website visitors. They are a good way to turn a visitor into a customer or client.
Of course, it is hugely important to draw as many people to your website possible. However, drawing people to your site isn't a sure-fire guarantee of sales success. In fact, there is something significantly more important than simply drawing a huge amount of people to your site. What is strategically more important for Internet business success is something called the conversion rate. The conversion rate is the statistic that counts the number of people who, after visiting your site, buy something. The average conversion rate for a site is 1 sale for every 500 visits. However, there are some mavens out there who can convert 1 of every 300 visitors into customers.
A lot of businesses suffer because they can draw a huge amount of visitors to their web site, but they can't convert them into customers. However, in order to truly gain Internet marketing prominence, the goal is to convert as many visitors as possible into customers.
One of the most important factors that determine conversion rate is the quality of the copywriting on a website. Copywriting can determine your success in the field of Internet marketing.
Remember, there is one special part of website copy that can significantly increase the conversion rate of any website. These are testimonials. Customers who buy products and are extremely satisfied will sometimes write a positive comment on a website. This is a testimonial, and it does wonders for Internet marketing.
A lot of uninformed people out there have denounced testimonials and declare that they are not useful and simply a waste of time. These people simply haven't tried implementing testimonials. Statistics dictate that testimonials can strongly increase conversion rate. This is a great tool for your website. Always have a section labeled Testimonials.
Keep It Genuine
However, we must concede that some testimonials are composed of mindless drivel and are obviously contrived.
These testimonials are sleazy and remind one of infomercials that come on late at night on Showtime or something like that. These are bad for Internet marketing. People are smarter than this and will catch on. It simply won't work.
Here's The Good Stuff
You've got to put in a lot of time and energy to get a whole bunch of testimonials. But you've got to do it, because you can increase your conversion rate.
A good way to approach this is to design a question and answer document and email it to your satisfied customers. Ask them questions regarding your product and how they feel about it. Then they will most likely write wonderful, glowing things about your product, which you can then include on your website.
Don't overburden them with a ton of questions. Just ask them what is absolutely necessary so that you can get good, quick responses. This is so good for Internet marketing.
Pay Attention to Details
The more specific the testimonial, the better, because people are often wary of testimonials. However, if you are including genuine testimonials, then you will be able to beat the competition.
Normally, when people visit a site they are still in a decision making mode. This means they need something that will convince them to buy your product. Often, a testimonial is the icing on the cake that persuades them to buy.
Take a look at your conversion rate stats before you post testimonials, then give it some time, and take a look again. If you've seen a big jump, then your testimonials are working.
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