Home Office Building with the Help of Discount Coupons

May 18


David Stack

David Stack

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If you're planning to build you're personal office at home, look up the Internet for the best online deals and discount coupons for office supplies. There’s a cost-cutting motivation in not deciding to rent office space; to have shopped online and then conveniently find office furniture and supplies on the Internet – all of them priced to meet your budget.

I had long been planning to build my own personal office at home – a private workplace to discourage people who are prone to interrupting. (Cough,Home Office Building with the Help of Discount Coupons Articles children, cough.) This is why, last week, I looked up the Internet for the best online deals and discount coupons for office supplies. There’s a cost-cutting motivation in not deciding to rent office space; to have shopped online and then conveniently find office furniture and supplies on the Internet –all of them priced to meet my budget– made me feel even better.

Being an architect, the first thing I needed was an art and drafting table. You know, that on which I can comfortably draw up plans, illustrate my ideas, justify their wildness, and, of course, place my cup of free-streaming coffee (architects like me need caffeine for precision and accuracy). And so from eOfficeDirect.com, I got a 37-inch-tall Mayline Four-Post Drafting Table, complete with tool and shallow drawers. It was shipped two days ago –fast and free (because I had used discount coupons) – and I easily fell in love with its smooth, thermally fused Birch laminate wood grain. Only a fellow architect would be able to relate to the adrenaline rush a smooth draft table can give me.

But anyway, what’s an office without pen and paper? Being the American boy scout that I am, I had already been armed with pencils and rulers, ink and charcoal, matte sheets, pads, and paper rolls. But I was surprised to find that I could actually get better deals from the Internet than from when I walk seven blocks to the nearest office and supply store. After having researched the products, compared the prices, and read the reviews, I now stock up by making all my purchases online. Buying something as seemingly inconsequential as a jaw-style staple remover, I was even able to save a few dollars!

But I didn’t want to compromise. If I wanted to work at home, then I would work in style. I had to put on some art, and décor, and other such fashionable miscellany. From the Furniture Paradise I purchased, using discount coupons, a relatively cheap walnut-finished Quartz Grandfather Clock with Westminster chime. From FranklinCovey I acquired a really handy desk valet, where I can put my pen and pencil tray and keep my electronic cords detangled and out of sight. Lastly, from Calendars.comI bought a Vintage Advertising Coca-Cola Wall Calendar – for no more than twelve dollars.

These unbelievable deals made my home office building a worthwhile endeavor. Not to mention affordable. These days, I won’t have to kick my wife out of the couch so I can turn off the TV and get on with my drafting blueprints for clients. I won’t have to spank my poor little boys for making too much noise while I am working. Thanks to office supply stores on the Internet, as well as to their discount coupons, I am loving (more than ever) what I do. Believe me: I didn’t think that was possible.

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