How to Find a Mac Web Host
When you’re looking for a Mac web host, it might be encouraging to know that when it comes to the hosts that offer this type of hosting, it’s split ab...
When you’re looking for a Mac web host,

it might be encouraging to know that when it comes to the hosts that offer this type of hosting, it’s split about equally at 50/50; half of the hosts out there offer it, while half of them don’t. But what might be disheartening to hear is that it’s still harder to find a Mac web host, because many web hosts don’t advertise openly that these have these services. However, there are ways you can find these Mac web hosts – and a number of others that are out there, too.
Search engines should always be your first step when looking for a Mac web host, and you should use very specific keywords to find what you’re looking for. If you just want a list of Mac web hosts, simply type “Mac web hosting” into the search engine. This will give you a long list of Mac web hosts, even those that may not advertise that they offer Mac hosting. Some companies do this for a number of reasons, including not having enough server space to accommodate a large amount of clients; but if you dig a little deeper, they’ll often be able to fill your Mac hosting needs.
If you find that you’re really having trouble finding a Mac web host through search engines alone, try looking for just “web hosting companies.” Once the list is returned to you, send a quick email to the first five that you see and ask them if they offer Mac web hosting. You might be surprised to find that all of them do! After you hear back from them, then move on to finding out more about that host, and whether you want to let them handle and store your website’s data.
Search engines can also be very useful when trying to weed out the good Mac web hosts from the bad hosts. To do this, type the keywords “Mac web hosting reviews” into the search engine. Not only will this bring you up a listing of the hosts available, but also real customer reviews and testimonials telling of their own interactions and experiences with that web host. Keep in mind that these review sites won’t often give you full details of the packages the Mac web hosts offer, or accurate pricing; so you should always check with the web host’s website before reading the reviews.
Mac web servers are extremely powerful, and extremely expensive, machines; and it’s because of the price that some web hosts stay away from Mac web hosting altogether. That can make it more difficult to find this type of hosting, but it definitely doesn’t make it impossible. A simple search in Google or Yahoo will give you plenty of results, and then all you have to do is a little digging to find out which one is best for you.