How to Twitter, Gain Friends and Influence People
Learning how to twitter involves being able to inject yourself into ongoing conversations and contribute in a useful and productive manner. By doing so you will quickly gain more of an online presence on the site leading to more followers and a greater influence. Read on to see 5 ways which your behavior with other twitter users will have a positive impact on how quickly you are accepted by others.
Learning how to twitter involves being able to inject yourself into ongoing conversations and contribute in a useful and productive manner. By doing so you will quickly gain more of an online presence on the site leading to more followers and a greater influence. This is a noteworthy advantage to those who use twitter for business. Like most online communities if other twitter users do not accept your presence your ability to conduct any type of business will not be effective.
Here are 5 ways in which your behavior with other twitter users will have a positive impact on how you are perceived and how quickly you are accepted.
'Actively' Listen
To engage in any conversation you must first 'actively' listen to what it is people are talking about. To 'barge in with unrelated comments makes a clear indication that you have little or no interest in what others have to say. This will give other twitter users,

and rightfully so, the impression you are a self absorbed individual.
Respond Accordingly
When the opportunity presents itself and you have something of value to add to any conversation make your comments in a polite way. At this point you simply listen further to the ongoing conversation and perhaps respond accordingly to any response your comment may have received. As people begin to respond to your commenting your online presence at the site will than begin to increase as well!
Tweet Engagingly
Do make the attempt to make your comments an invitation for anybody to respond to since this shows you have an interest in what 'everybody' thinks. Give thought to what it is you say so that it may be thought provoking enough to motivate even the 'wall flowers' to respond. In this way you are now making more people comfortable with your presence in the conversation.
Maintain Relevancy
As mentioned earlier keep your tweets relevant to the ongoing discussion and do not attempt to dramatically alter the direction for the sake of any self-promoting. It will not be appreciated and will likely start to earn you a reputation you do not want to have as being rude and overbearing. Remember you want to 'fit in' and not dominate!
Reflect Sincerity
If you indicate or promise anything always follow-up otherwise your word is worthless as will be your reputation. This is especially true and important if you use twitter for business since a lack of follow-up will only serve to tarnish your professional image as well!
For people learning how to twitter it is really simply a matter of learning how to fit in as is the case at most online communities. Your interaction with other twitter users needs to reflect a certain sincerity and genuine interest in what is going on around you. By supplying useful and/or interesting information in your tweets you will increase your online presence at the site. This usually results in an increase in both your followers and influence as well! This is particularly advantageous to those who use twitter for business purposes. The 5 ways to conduct your interactions on the site as suggested above will help to 'accelerate' your acceptance into the community. As in any 'networking' environment relationships need to be maintained and an effort must be put forth to continue contributing in a positive fashion. Enjoy your twitter experience!