Who are the people out looking for you? What do you know about them? What are they doing to find you? What are they looking for? What problems do they have that they are willing to spend money to solve? These are the questions that should consume you.
Marketing is about people. The health of your business depends on how well you know the people who are looking for you and how well you capture their attention once you find them.
So who are they? How can you get to know them? How do you easily find them? This is a process about questions. And here we will ask a whole bunch of good ones.
Create a profile of your ideal customer. The best way to start is to imagine a favorite customer that you have right now. Use what you know about this great person to answer the following questions:
On the internet we have an amazing opportunity to get to answers very quickly.
You can go to the various online groups, blogs and forums to find your people. Once you are there, you can actually ask the experts on your business: Your target market.
Make a point of getting to know these people. They have something important for you -- the keys to your business success! These are the people who are out looking for you. What are they looking for? How are they frustrated? What are they spending money on?
By hanging out in forums, groups and blogs you can not only find the answers to these questions, you can learn the language to use when you go to market to them. This language becomes the backbone of your sales letters, emails and marketing pieces when you go to offer a solution in the form of a product.
Getting Organized: You have got to Mind Map!
Getting organized is much easier to talk about than to actually do. The words themselves are misleading. They can cover everything from high level business planning to organizing your sock drawer.Internet Skills: Lifelong Learners Never Fail
If you are just getting started on the Internet then often times what you need is just that extra "push" to learn some new skills.Ping Pong Paddles, Pips and Robots, Oh My!
Ping pong was introduced to the United States when Parker Brothers bought the trademarked name from English manufacturer J. Jaques & Son Ltd. after 1901. The name 'Ping Pong' was used to describe the English game of table tennis when it was played with high-end, Jaques-branded equipment.