Despite all the hype over search engines, ... still serves as one of the best ways ... and use websites on the ... In that spirit of ... sharing, we again
Despite all the hype over search engines, personal
recommendation still serves as one of the best ways people
find and use websites on the Internet.
In that spirit of person-to-person sharing, we again tour
the web to find the best, most helpful, unusual, or just
plain cool websites every surfer should bookmark.
Is your email in-box swamped with junk emails?
Telemarketers interrupting dinner every night?
Website advertisers invading your privacy?
Who you gonna call - JunkBusters!
Log on to and find a large resource of
how and where to get help in cutting down on the "junk"
advertising that threatens to engulf us all! Learn exactly
what to do to shut down everything from junk faxes to
people who trade your personal data.
** Blog, Blog, Blog
Web logs, commonly referred to as "blogs," represent all
the rage right now in online publishing.
Not really a newsletter or traditional publishing, blogs
resemble more of a web-based diary where the creator
records their thoughts, posts links, or responds to
If you want to find one of the thousands of blogs online
about everything from cooking to puppy potty training, log
onto to search through a rapidly expanding
** Who's on the line?
Anyone with caller ID asks the same question when an
unfamiliar number pops up on the screen. "Who is that?"
Even with enhanced caller ID you can't always figure out
who called.
Rather than call back and risk looking foolish
by saying something like "Somebody called me from this
number.", you can log on to or to do a reverse search by phone number.
You can also do a number of other searches on people's
addresses and other information.
** Identity Theft
Sadly, not everyone in the world tries to operate under the
"Golden Rule."
Identity theft rates as one of the fastest growing crimes
in the world, mostly because it's such an easy crime to
Whether you go online or not, everyone carries a risk of
falling victim to an identity thief.
Prevention and proper information rank as the top ways to
prevent identity theft from happening to you. Log on to to understand the risks and get
specific information for making yourself a less-likely
** Free Conference Calls
Need to schedule a conference call with family, friends or
business associates, but don't want to pay for an expensive
bridge line or sign a long-term contract?
Log on to and sign up for a free
You can put up to 100 people on a phone call together (long
distance charges apply) and use the service to make
presentations, do product training, or even hold a family
reunion by phone.
Since they don't charge for the service, I'd advise using
this one fast since most free services end up shutting down
after a few brief months.
Transfer Huge Files Online Fast And Free
With the ever-increasing popularity of sharing home-videos, mp3 audios, and other large files online, actually transferring those files to your customers, friends, and family presents a problem.How To Make Your Stiffest Competitor Your Best Joint Venture Partner
Once you understand this simple fact, it's easy to see how YOU can to turn your biggest competitors into your best Joint Venture (JV) partners.Set Up Your Own Blog Free
I've received a lot of email lately from people asking how they can set up their own blogs for family, friends, or business purposes without spending much money or hiring an expensive programmer or web developer.