A way to increase Your repeat ... by Natalie ... slow ... pages. Make your web site easy to ... with easy ... to each of your page and a great layout. U
A way to increase Your repeat Traffic.Copyright by Natalie Bodrova.Avoid slow downloading pages. Make your web site easy to navigate, with easy accessibility to each of your page and a great layout. Update your site on a regular basis. Visitors will check back often for fresh content on your site. Give them good reason to come back. Offer to yourvisitors free service, valuable software, ebooks,outstanding information. Capture their attention with goodquality rich content that is useful to them. Adding messageboard, chat room, free e-mail service .... If your visitors find something of value at your site theywill bookmark and come back to over and over again to yourweb-site. Get traffic from repeat visitors, put reminderson your website to bookmark it. On pages of your web-siteput in bold print "press Ctrl + D to bookmark this site"or "Please, bookmark this site". You can use javascriptallow visitors to easily add your site to favorites list,with this script:Please, bookmark the siteWith this script your visitors can bookmark (add tofavorites) your site.You even could customize image: when someone bookmarks yoursite, instead of having default image that Microsoft setwith browser, next to the title of your website, change itto your own image. You need: 1. Download the free program:Aha-Soft ArtIcons Pro. It's a powerful, easy to use utilityfor finding, extracting, creating and editing icons andmanaging icon libraries. http://www.getgames.narod.ru/aipro.zip I use my own icon on my site, which created with Aha-Soft ArtIcons Pro. 2. Using this program you could to create your own image,it must be 16 colors, with size of 16 X 16. 3. Save this file as "favicon.ico" and upload it to theroot directory on your web-server. The url to the icon fileshould be: http://www.yoursite.com/favicon.ico After bookmarking your site, when you go to the favorites you will see an icon next to the title. Even when you revisitthe page you will see the same icon in the addressbar too.Compatible in Internet Explorer.Don't waste the opportunity to get a repeat visitors toyour site and to increase traffic. Wish you success,Natalie Bodrova.Thank you.Free Ebooks and free 5 line Ad a week for every subscriber Computer Business Ezine. Articles, marketing and promotion, downloads, resources, business ideas, discussion, opinions,tools, humor, encouragement, proverbs and sayings, Idioms.Subscribe: mailto:12102-subscribe@zinester.com