Spam is increasing and it can damage your computer. Don't let computer born viruses and trojans enter your computer through spam. Learn how to control spam.
The Important Features of Spam Filters
It is estimated that in 2007 of the 40.6 billion emails sent out daily that 52% of them will be spam. 10.9 billion of them will invade our corporations and 10.2 billion will be sent to home computers. These statistics come from surveys by Radicati Group Inc. a marketing and consulting firm in Palo Alto California.
It is projected that in just 3 years spam will make up around 70% of the 82.3 billion emails sent daily. What are we to do? Never fear, spam filtering software is here.
Spammers will forever be conjuring up new methods to invade our email inboxes. Not only does spam consist of unwanted advertisements, but it can also transmit adware, viruses, or spyware on to our computers which can cause many costly problems.
The good news is that a good quality anti spam software program can resolve your email problems. These types of programs can not only block all of the unwanted spam emails, but it will organize them into folders showing only wanted emails in your inbox.
What Should a Superior Quality Spam Filter Program Do?
• Sporn Blockers - Most high quality spam filters will block a great percentage of spammed pornography. Some go so far as to block “adult” orientated images.
• Sort into White Lists and Black Lists - A white list includes accepted email addresses that you set up. Any emails not on this list will go to your black list where they are blocked, filed, or deleted.
• Organization of Emails – Most of us do not want to block all emails. Many programs allow us to choose which emails we want to view. This is accomplished by choosing a program that gives you the ability to set up folders. The folders can be labeled according to your needs such as games, business, financial etc. Your incoming emails will be put into the appropriate folder.
What Features to Look for in Spam Filter Software
Each program offers a wide variety of features. However, they are not all functional with every email service. So make sure you choose a program that will work with your email service..
Easy to Use - Simplicity of a spam filter software is one of the most important features to look for. Drop down menus are very useful. Logically arranged icons that are helpful are a must.
Simple Installation and Set up– Remember that if additional registration, downloads or other processes are needed this puts the program into the complicated category. A good spam filter program should be simple and quick to install without errors.
Customization – Plan to purchase a flexible spam filtering program that will offer several different customization choices. These programs should offer the ability of the user to determine at what level they will have their emails filtered and organized.
All levels of filtering should be offered all the way from high to low. A high filter option means that all emails that are not on the approved list will be blocked or deleted.
A lower level filter will sort your emails and save them into your labeled folders so you can decide which ones to keep and which ones to delete.
Features – The programs entire package of abilities and tools is called the features. The number one feature is that the spam filter software program you choose must work with your email service. This program should allow you to establish white lists and black lists. A superior program will allow you to set up rules about which emails you want to receive, block or delete. A good spam filtering program will allow you to establish folders in order to categorize your emails for you to determine which ones to keep and which ones to delete.
Remember, it is your email and you should be able to control the content. Our lives are busy enough today, without having to spent unnecessary time plowing through unwanted spam. So purchase a spam filtering software program today and let it do the sorting and deleting for you. You’ll add hours to your week.
Top 2 Spam Filtering Software Programs
1. MailWasher Pro
2. Cloudmark
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