When you choose managed dedicated hosting for your website, you’ve chosen to run your website from a server that’s fully available and accessible to y...
When you choose managed dedicated hosting for your website,

you’ve chosen to run your website from a server that’s fully available and accessible to you; and that you can essentially forget about. With a managed server the web host will take care of everything pertaining to the server for you, so you can be free to run your business or do whatever else you have to do. But before you can realize the benefits managed dedicated hosting can bring, you need to know you’re getting the best service. And to make sure of that, you need to make sure you ask the right questions. These are listed below.
What types of computers do you use for your servers?
Sometimes brand names are just a way for a company to make big bucks off of consumers for a product that’s exactly like another, more affordable product, on the shelves. This is not the case with web hosting servers. With these highly technical computers you really do get what you pay for and you want to make sure your host is using brand names. IBM, HP, Dell, and Sun Microsystems are a few good names to listen for.
What type of Internet connection do you use?
Remember the days when everyone still connected to the Internet through a dialup connection? See how everyone laughs at the mere thought of it now? The type of Internet connection that’s used for your server will directly affect how fast your website downloads onto visitor’s computers. And this will directly affect how many people visit your site, and how often they return.
What are your days and hours of operation for customer service?
With a managed dedicated server, the most important feature you’ll choose when you pick your web host is the level of customer service they’ll provide. If there is a problem with your server, there will be a problem with your website. And you don’t have time to wait for someone to saunter into the office to fix it. Make sure they’re available whenever you need them, and you’re well on your way to finding a great managed dedicated host!
If my website crashes, how long will it take to get back up?
“As soon as possible,” is what you’re listening for on this one. But anyone can say that, make sure they mean it. Ask what measures are taken to get the site back up and running, and to make sure that the crash doesn’t happen again.
How often do you backup my data?
Any good web host will have backup services in place, and it’s this backup that will save you should your site ever crash. Because of this, you need to make sure that the data is being backed up as often as possible – at least a couple of times a day, if not every half hour or so.
You’re going to have an entire list of your own to ask your managed dedicated web host. Use these ones to get you brainstorming and make sure that all your questions have been answered when it comes time to sign with that host.