Since its inception internet usage has been growing rapidly year by year.
Safe internet usage is a matter of concern for all those who regularly surf the web. Certainly many businesses today now have internet usage policies in place which help to ensure that all employees use the internet correctly. The skills that many employees are taught at work about using the internet and how to use it safely can actually then be incorporated when they are using the internet at home.
Below are a number of things you can do whether using the internet at home or at work that can ensure that you are using it safely.
When you are actually browsing the internet it is important that you understand which websites you are permitted and which of them you shouldn’t. Unfortunately when it comes to web browsing there are going to be times when you think a site is okay and it is not. This will then end up in problems for you as you unmistakably download all types of spyware, adware and malware on to your PC.
If you can restrict the number of sites you visit which relate to entertainment matters or gaming and gambling. Also try not to enter into too many chat rooms as well. Plus at all times whenever you see any kind of pop ups appear on the screen in front of you avoid these.
Should you at any time need to download some data or program from the internet then do so with extreme caution. Look for downloads on the more reputable sites you know and prior to downloading them scan them to ensure that they do not contain any viruses etc.
If you are regularly sending emails through your PC then be wary and understand the potential security threats you could be faced with when receiving emails back especially those of an unsolicited nature. It is best if you can set up your PC so that every time you receive any email messages through to you is to scan them first. Or if you want you could try a program such as Mailwasher Pro which not only helps you to clear spam from your email inbox but also helps you to immediately highlight those that you do not wish to receive again.
When it comes to receiving emails and you want to ensure that your PC remains secure it is important that you do not open any attachments or links embedded in them. If you do see a message in an email that requires you to click on an imbedded link then do not do this until you have verified that the URL is legitimate. This can easily be done by opening up another web browser page on your PC and typing in what you think the legitimate URL is and see if they match up.
Another safe internet usage tip for you to ensure you and your PC remain secure at all times is that you frequently change any passwords that you use. If you can make it completely unique using a combination of both letters and numbers in it.
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