Save Money And Time With a High Speed Cable Connection

Jun 5


muna wa wanjiru

muna wa wanjiru

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I recently babysat my niece. My sister was nice enough to let me use her computer while I watched her daughter. I was glad to have an opportunity to work while babysitting.


I have a high speed cable connection to my computer and my sister has a dial up connection. I never realized how important a high speed cable connection to the Internet was until I did not have it. I did not realize how much slower a dial up connection in comparison.

I quickly became very frustrated with the slow connection. At first,Save Money And Time With a High Speed Cable Connection Articles I thought that there was something wrong with my sister's computer and I was worried that I had unwittingly caused the problem. After checking and rechecking the computer, I found that there was nothing wrong with it aside from the computer not having a high speed cable connection.

Even though I was relieved that her computer was fine, I was still worried that I couldn't get everything done that I had set out to do with the slower connection. There was a lot of research involved in my assignment and I just could not bear to think of waiting and waiting for websites to download just to find that I couldn't use the information. I didn't realize how spoiled I was with my high speed cable connection to the Internet but I soon found out.

I have no patience. This is why I opted to choose a high speed cable connection for my computer. I find myself clicking and clicking as sites are downloaded. This only makes things worse. The slower Internet connection is simply maddening for me. I am too busy thinking about my next step and I haven't even taken the first step. By the time the site downloads, my mind is on to other things. I need a high speed cable connection just to maintain my sanity.

The other obstacle I came across with the slower dial up connection was that I could not use the telephone while I was using the Internet. This is just unthinkable. I can think of dozens of times that I was on the phone while I was using my computer. My high speed Internet connection does not interfere with my phone service.

My sister uses call wave. Call wave alerts you when you have a phone call. It also takes messages. It also costs money. I figure that for the price of the answering service, my sister can afford a high speed cable connection for her computer. She works from home three days each week and her work requires her to be available to answer the phone. With a high speed cable connection, she could use her computer while she is working.

I still haven't talked my sister into getting a high speed cable connection, but I'm going to keep trying to persuade her. I do have a stake in this. I can save a lot of time and I can save myself a lot of frustration if she has a high speed Internet connection while I'm babysitting. Otherwise, my niece will just have to come to my house.