Many people ask how to make a shop in Maplestory, I have written a short guide how to both get and use a shop permit.
Obtaining a shop permit is the most direct,

and often easiest method of making mesos. It is not uncommon to see people in the fm(free market) asking how to set up shop and how to get it. The following is a walkthrough of how to obtain a permit and the basics of how to use it.
The first thing you need to know is that, in most versions of Maple Story, it costs real money to purchase a store permit. Important note: Due to a change in a recent patch there is a Level 16 (lvl 16) requirement for shop permits in Global Maple Story (gms) and likely in other versions of Maple Story as well.
There are, apparently, 1 or 2 versions of Maple Story which allow some form of item exchange for “cash shop points”. In this guide, and Maple Story Global, the exchange system is called the Maple Trading System (mts).
To acquire the "points", also known as nxcash, a-cash, or whatever is used as cash for the version you are playing (Call them points or “cash shop points”.) you have to log onto the website where you obtained your version of Maple Story and follow the website directions to pay for and receive your “cash shop points”.
Generally you can obtain “cash shop points” throught the opening page of the website. You are not quite done yet. After you get your points, you need to log back into in the game. Just follow the steps outlined below:
1) Enter the cash shop
2) Select the ETC tab,
3) Then select the store sub tab.
In this section you should see, at least 1 kind of shop permit, as well as several other shop related items. Just click buy on the shop permit you want and follow the instructions in the game.
4) Choose your desired Store Permit and follow the directions.
Normally there are a variety of store permits to choose from; however, there are factors you should consider before making your purchase. Obviously you will have to have enough money for the permit. The cheapest of the store permits on Global Maple Story is roughly pennies a day, and the most expensive permit, if used on a daily basis, costs approximately a dollar a day. You must also consider your other resources, such as, the amount of time you have access to your computer, your computer’s stability, and your network stability.
Currently there really are only two major kinds of shop permits. There is the regular store permit and the hired merchant.
The regular store permit requires your computer to be on and logged into the Maplestory with your character present in the free market, only allowing you to chat. This is the cheapest permit and the preferred one if you have the computer resources and the money. If you do not have a stable computer and/or internet connection, this may not be the choice for you.
The hired merchant is probably a better choice If you have limited computer access. Though hired merchants have different styles and durations, they all have the same basic function, that is, to “sell” your wares for you. You do not have to be logged on or even present in the free market to make use of a hired merchant. Hired merchants have different “looks” that you can choose from, the most common of which, is a mushroom looking shop. There are also “robot” shops and coffee shops as in GMS. The hired merchant is the best option if you only have one computer and do not have continuous access to a computer, or a stable setup. The downside of the hired merchant is that it costs more and has to be reset at least once every 24 hrs.
5) After you've purchased the permit, you have to move the permit from your cash item list to your inventory. Double-clicking on the permit will place it in your inventory.
6) Once your permit is safely a part of your inventory, you need only double click on the permit when you reach a position in the game where you can open a shop. For example you locate a spot in the free market rooms. When you have located a spot, simply add a name for your shop and click open.
Pictures that go with this guide can be found in the teaser at The website noted in the section below.