Anywhere you turn today you’ll find websites shouting at you about the millions you can make from Google’s Adsense, Yahoo Publisher Network, or some other PPC program. Self proclaimed Guru’s with sales pages spouting riches beyond your wildest dreams if you’ll only shell out $147 for their ‘secret’.
But is there really a ‘secret’ method to making a living online? Not if you take a look at what the serious earners are doing. I’m not talking about the above mentioned, so called ‘Gurus’, I’m talking about the big boys and girls. Men and Women that are way too busy to tell you how they are making a fortune. What are they busy doing you might ask? They’re building websites. Lots of them. Quietly, in the background, they are making millions.
So before you bill that $147 to the old MasterCard, let’s talk about a plan that might actually work for you.
So where to begin? Why at the beginning of course. Let’s assume that you’re totally new to the whole concept of an online business. Let’s build your Adsense or other PPC website from scratch.
1. Before you do anything, you must decide on what KIND of website you’d like to have. Is it going to be an informational site? Something fun, like a joke site? Or maybe centered around a hobby or business you have offline? Whatever you decide on, please, make it something you’re interested in. If you build a site strictly because someone told you that a site centered around ‘web hosting’ will make you the most money, you’ll be very disappointed in the long run. The reason is simple. Do you know anything about ‘web hosting’? Does it interest you enough to do any kind of research on it? If not then you’re going to have one heck of a tough time when it comes to actually promoting your site and getting surfers to it. Yes, it can be done, but it’s a lot easier if you pick something you’re at least familiar with.
2. There are many different schools of thought when it comes to domain names, so I won’t go into it in this article. Let’s just say that you should pick a domain that you like, that at least in some way pertains to your topic. Register something that reflects the topic of your website.
3. A website. Yes, the actual website must exist. So here’s where some work or some money might come into play. If you have the technical skills, then obviously, build it yourself. If you don’t, then you’re going to have to hire someone to build it for you. Shameless plug I know, but I’ve built hundreds of PPC oriented websites for people, and I can help you too.
But if you want to be successful with Adsense or Yahoo Publisher, then just ANY website won’t do. You’re going to have to do several things. The main focus is that the website must be targeted and optimized for your target. If you’re building a site focused on ‘Caribbean Travel’ then you really don’t want information on the local Motel 6. When building your website, stay on target, stay on the topic, it will pay off in the long run.
So now, your website is done. Online. Looks great. When do the millions of dollars start rolling in? I know this sounds crazy, but I get asked questions like this every day. People just assume that as soon as their new website is up, the work is done. But I must tell you, at this point it hasn’t even started. Let me break this to you gently…. All your shiny new website is… drum roll please…. It’s an AD. Yes, it’s simply a big advertisement, put up to attract visitors who in turn click your Adsense links, or Yahoo Publisher links, or some other PPC. The point is this. Your website is worth nothing if you choose not to PROMOTE your website/ad. Contrary to what many of the ‘Gurus’ say, you cannot just sit back and wait for that number one listing in Google to come thru. You MUST promote.
If you would like to learn more about Adsense, YPN, or any other PPC oriented website, and more importantly, how to PROMOTE this type of affiliate website, there’s just too much to cover in this article.
Let me be frank. The magic software or ‘secret method’ to riches simply does not exist. The internet is just like the rest of the real world, your online business success is going to take work. So come join us and learn about what DOES work.
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