Technical aspects of web 2.0
There are different types of technical components that comprise the site based on 2.0 technologies. Client side scripts along with the server side procedure helps to accomplish the task of the users depending on their requirements and preferences. The architecture of the web page and the intricate details play a very important role in making the technology successful.
A developer while creating the web 2.0 sites is engrossed in the technical details apart from the design information. XML called as extensive markup language is an important part of the web page coding because it helps to generate request from the client end,
which is send to the server side. The enterprises users prefer the 2.0 techniques to complete the job because it is compatible with different development environment such as the rails and other UNIX based platforms. Programmers from different school of thoughts could apply the concept in the server side language such as PHP and C++ to integrate them with the database at the backend to retrieve the information.
In the designing stages, web 2.0s uses the facilities availed by the Cascade styling sheet technology to format and add the design elements onto the web pages without any hassles. In past, each individual page had separate style sheet but new technology has provided awesome alternative wherein different objects can be created from a single file. Panel and other HTML tags could be intuitively designed optimizing the resources.
Incorporation of graphics consumes lots of bandwidth in terms of memory and internet space on the server. Therefore, AJAX technology is introduced into the web pages to free the resources of the server side and handle majority of requests from the client scripts. In the web 2.0 websites, the HTML objects are created in the browser while the server machines execute the complex requests. Therefore, the page is not reloaded upon the click of the user creating a friendly interface. Usage of asynchronous technology has helped to increase the interactivity of the web page.
In modern scenario, people use variety of browsers to access the websites. The 2.0 technology is said to be compatible with application such as the Firefox and Google chrome. Before using XML, it is important to validate the codes and its interaction with the browsers. If AJAX is infested with errors, it might create many problems for the users. Sometimes the back button of the browser might not function or the button click may not work. A developer should be equipped with comprehensive knowledge of the java script and the programming languages to create optimized web 2.0 websites. Readymade AJAX tool kit are available to the developers requiring fewer coding, however the programmers should be able to customize them according to the requirements of the end users.
REST architecture introduces the design fundamentals of the modern websites. Some of the techniques such as the URL rewriting and other HTTP verbs are designed to handle the requests from the client side. Mash ups and the tool kits form an important part of the web 2.0 technology to deliver astonishing results to the client.