the Hall of Goths: Social Network for Goths
The most obvious thing if you are a Goth is that nowadays Facebook is used by people like you who don't actually like to be commercialized or to feel part of a marketing plan. Every post, movement even the pictures you are uploading is automatically logged checked and studied to improve this huge trendy cash system.
The most obvious thing if you are a Goth is that nowadays Facebook is used by people like you who don't actually like to be commercialized or to feel part of a marketing plan.Every post,
movement even the pictures you are uploading is automatically logged checked and studied to improve this huge trendy cash system.In this ocean full of teenagers who are spending more than 5 hours a day on Facebook doing nothing out of trying to know new people, some guys decided to start something new.It had to be easy, pretty cool, but most important thing…themed!And here comes the Hall of Goths. Full of pictures, photos, videos and content posted by goths only, this social network will be soon an important part of the gothic scene.The registration process is really easy, you won't be bugged by any useless questions like on other platforms.There are still not so many groups because the website is online for not longer than 2 months but the response is huge. Many people decided to log in with their Facebook account. Yes, you don't have to register if you like.To contribute you just have to log in and post whatever you like but be careful…in this community everyone is taking still care of the content you are publishing and you could be banned.The intention of this social network is to give quality targeted goth content.It's a no-profit website so you will really find people interested just in what they write. They don't want to appear, they don't have to prove to you something because actually nobody knows each other yet.One of the most difficult thing for such a website is to get visitors.Facebook, hi5 or whatever doesn't let so mutch space and visibility for initiative like this…but probably this will be the reason you won't find so many people like in the Hall of Goths out there on the other boring social.