The One Word You Must Have to Succeed!
There is one word that you must have to succeed in life, period! This word, when applied correctly, can bring life-changing results in everything you do.
With many years in this industry,

I have seen about everything, but there is one word you will have to have to be successful in your business and that word is “belief”. You will need to believe in yourself. Napoleon Hill said it best, “If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.” (The book “Think and Grow Rich”) James Alan put it another way right on the title of his book, "As a Man Thinketh".
We all have the ability to learn. Some learn faster than others but we can all learn the skills you need to win…and win big! Always be in a learning mode and stay hungry for knowledge and apply what you have learned. You can have whatever you want if you just help enough people get what they want, but you must seek out what YOU need to win, not what Sally needs but what you need.
Whatever business you are in, remember you are in the people business and the more you learn how to deal with people, the more successful you will be. The more successful you will be, the more you will need to learn how to deal with people.
There are several ways you can start the process of believing in yourself. Start to listen to positive CD's, look at positive DVD's and read PMA books. There are many, many resources available. Here is a list that helped me over the years.
Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
As a Man Thinketh by James Alan
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
Think and Win Big by Johnny Wimbrey
Black Belt Recruiting by Mike Dillard & Mark Wiser
The Secret by Prime Time Productions
It’s Possible by Les Brown
Jim Rohn DVD
What you put in will come out! You can find all of these resources on the internet or at Amazon. Just click on the Amazon icon to the right of this page. Find some time to invest in yourself. It will be worth it. Reading or listening to these resources can only make you a better person no matter what vocation you are in.