The Pros and Cons of Limewire
There are many people downloading and sharing files using Peer to Peer (P2P) applications in the Internet every day. Using Peer to Peer applications is not illegal but downloading copyrighted files is against the law. There are many peer-to-peer applications available in the web. one of the best is Limewire.
There are many people downloading and sharing files using Peer to Peer (P2P) applications in the Internet every day. Using Peer to Peer applications is not illegal but downloading copyrighted files is against the law. There are many peer-to-peer applications available in the web. one of the best is
Limewire is an excellent P2P file-sharing released in 2000 allowing you to download different types of files which include audio,

images, movies, games and documents. It’s easy to install, run and search. It is the first free peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) which supports firewall-to-firewall file transfers. It’s a lot cleaner than any other network. It comes with a multiple search register interface. Even though there are so many malicious files spread in the web, not all files in LimeWire are infected. It has installed a security device that can track most viruses in files. A warning from LimeWire will appear on your screen before starting the download.
Limewire is user-friendly. You will be able to know who downloads files from your computer. The program is completely normal because you can monitor what you are downloading or stop the download if you want to. It is also includes BitTorrent support though limited. LimeWire also has an instant messenger where users can enjoy chatting while sharing files to their buddy list. Recent versions of LimeWire now prevent unintentional sharing of documents or applications with others. Searching audio files is easy using LimeWire because you can specify the artist, album and song title. In this way, you will surely get accurate results. You will able to get good quality music from LimeWire. Some of its features are proxy-support, even faster connection to the networks, preview files and iTunes integration. If you are into iTunes, this is really for you. Everything you download from LimeWire will go straight to your iTunes library. The best thing about LimeWire is completely free! There are also paid versions of LimeWire available.
One challenge with Peer to Peer sharing is that there’s a lot of adult content. It makes it unsafe for children who should use traditional search engines. Using Peer to Peer is very risky because you never know what you are going to get. You can get any file that you want but you will also be able to get different virus and spyware that could harm your PC in the process. It is advisable that you always do a computer virus scan after using it or on everything you download from there. Be careful in downloading files. Some files seem to be harmless at first but you might discover it to be infected in the end. Honestly, LimeWire will not give you viruses but it is the files that you get from it that might damage your PC down.
Typically Peer to Peer program enable others to have an access on your important data. Be careful in choosing the folders that you will share and letting others to have accessed to it. So, don’t put private information in your PC because you might be victimized of identity theft if your PC gets infected. Peer to Peer has played a major role in some of the computer identity theft cases, such as the case of a man from Denver, Colorado who was able to get important documents of twenty-five (25) businesses in the United States.
It’s easy to download files using peer-to-peer applications like LimeWire. It’s quick and easy but the risk of getting viruses is high. If you are using these type of applications in a regular basis, make sure you have a firewall installed in your PC to scan everything you download, detects the threats and have it removed automatically.
But if you don’t have a firewall or your PC gets infected,
Techie Now will help you all the way. We can do a lot of anything you need, be it virus and spyware removal, installation, configuration, general repair services and more. With Techie Now, your PC is in good hands.