The Secret in Getting Back Links From Squidoo Revealed
This article reveal a simple but yet powerful and critical step on how to build back links in Squidoo lenses that will increase search engine page rank. Even Squidoo site does not tell you how to do it.
If you have been some times in internet marketing,

you would have learnt that getting your web site ranked high in search engines is critical in generating traffic, else known as visitors to visit your website.One of the ways in improve your website ranking is to have other websites link to yours, this is also known as creating back links. Nowadays, creating a web sites or web pages of your own is extremely easy with sites like Blogger and Squidoo, in best of all, these services are free.But even the steps to create Blogger blogs and Squidoo lense are clearly indicated on their website, some hidden steps and techniques in building back links are not as obvious and lesser known.In this article, I will reveal a simple but yet powerful and critical step on how to build back links in your Squidoo lenses that will increase your search engine page rank.Assuming you already created a Squidoo account, follow below steps:1. Login to your Squidoo account and click on the 'My Dashboard' link2. Click on 'My Profile' tab then click on the 'Change' link beside 'Default bio'3. Now, here is the secret... normally you would just enter text in your profile description and Squidoo does not indicate any where on the page you can create a hypertext link which enable you to build back link to your website. But the trick is, you can key in simple html instead of plain text in writing your profile. Use these html codes to create hyperlinks with your anchor text in the profile.4. Click 'Save' button once you are done with the profile update.Notice the html codes inserted in the website address above making it an active clickable link to the website that you have specified. You can even create multiple links using the same method. If you are not familiar in using html, you can simply copy the above sample and modify it to your own description and link accordingly. Alternately, you may use html editor such as Microsoft FrontPage or NVU to write the necessary text, then create hyperlink and copy the html portion from the editor back to your Squidoo profile.The other benefits of using this method is that when ever you create new Squidoo lenses, since the back links resides in your profile, it will automatically contribute to an additional back link to the website that you have specified. So, to increase the back links to your site, simply create more Squidoo lenses.In summary, you can use Squidoo to create multiple back links easily using the steps revealed above, and this will have the effect of pushing your website ranking high in search engine result.