What is my IP - How to Browse anonymously and safely
It’s very comfortable to discover what your IP. It’ll help you keep track of your PC's activities, particularly if you doubtful that it has been hacked. What is more amazing is that you can also discover the IP of another user if you use the appropriate means. This is sometimes required to protect you from online cheaters. Make sure to use the appropriate service that gives you with the info you needed.
As a regular web user,

has it ever become to ask "What is my IP"? Most of us know that the IP stands for “Internet Protocol” but they don’t know much about this. This term cites to the manner in which 2 or more PCs are connected via the internet. Internet Protocol refers to the segregate code that identifies a particular network and internet connection.
There’re 4 numbers and each number represents something. The 1st period represents the domain, 2nd period represents sub network, 3rd period represents network and the 4th period represents your PC. The 4th number is different for different PCs. There’ll be no 2 PCs that will have the exact same “Internet Protocol address”.
Your IP gives away a plenty of information. You might learn "what is my IP and why ought to conceal my IP address if I’m not doing illegal things"? There’re many facts that ought to prompt you to hide your IP address. Concealing your IP isn’t at all illegal.
The web is a risky place to be. You always have to be preventative measures. Concealing IP is a best way to prevent you from being a thread of cyber crime. You’ll be protecting yourself from getting junk emails or SPAM by hiding your IP address. Your privacy on internet will be maintained.
You’ll not be permeable to the spy-ware if you handle to hide your IP address webmasters will not be capable to applied spy-wares in your usage if they don’t know about your IP address.
There’re few terms you ought to be well habituated to. The DNS translates the IP address into words. You must also have familiar for Dynamic IP. The ISP/DHCP server allocates the IP address. This may change anytime. The Static Internet Protocol never is always fixed.
You can obtain a Static IP address from your ISP or DHCP by paying additional every month. The IPv4 is mostly used these days. Nevertheless, it’s running out on account of intense usage. The IPv6 network may replace it soon. IPv5 network is for UNIX based computers. It’s practical in nature and isn’t for public use.
You can prevent the pop-up ads that keep concerning you if you successfully conceal your IP. The hackers make use of your IP address to track your cheat and down. Your account information will remain unbroken if you manage to conceal your IP address. You can anonymous browse the internet if your IP address is concealed. Your IP address is your identification on the WWW. You must safe and protect it from hackers.