5 Vital Things Your Personal Injury Lawyer Can Do for You

Aug 23


Susan Melony

Susan Melony

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The personal injury realm has many ins and outs that the average individual will not fully understand. To comprehend this niche, you must study the law and go to law school. Even if you read books on personal injury law, you likely won’t know about many of its subtleties.


That’s why,5 Vital Things Your Personal Injury Lawyer Can Do for You Articles if you’re suing someone for personal injury, you need to hire a lawyer. There’s a lot they can do for you from the moment you reach out to them to the time your case concludes. We’ll discuss five essential things a personal injury lawyer can do for you right now.

They Can Negotiate Your Settlement Offer 

For one thing, a lawyer can take the reins when the time comes for expert legal negotiations for your settlement. Let’s say you’re bringing a personal injury settlement against a person or entity that harmed you. 

Perhaps someone’s dog bit you, and you’re suing them. Maybe you’re bringing a medical malpractice lawsuit against a doctor who prescribed you the wrong medication or operated on the wrong body part. No matter the reason for your lawsuit, your lawyer can announce to the defendant and their counsel that you’re suing them.

At that point, you’ll go through the discovery phase. During this time, your lawyer will disclose to the defendant and their legal counsel what evidence you have that proves what you say happened. 

If your lawyer shows that you’ve uncovered a great deal of evidence that proves conclusively that the defendant harmed you, their lawyer might advise that they settle out of court. If they go to a jury’s verdict, they may have to pay more. However, the defendant might give you a lowball offer that does not completely cover your medical bills, any wages you lost while you recovered, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering. 

Your lawyer can help negotiate your settlement. They can tell you if, in their professional opinion, you shouldn’t take the first offer and you should hold out for more money. If you don’t have your lawyer by your side giving you advice, you won’t know whether you should take that first settlement offer or not. 

They Can Investigate Your Case

Your lawyer can also investigate your personal injury case in the days or weeks leading up to the trial. Maybe you feel strongly that the defendant harmed you, but you’re not sure what material evidence you can provide that proves it. Your lawyer will probably have professional investigators on their payroll. They will put these individuals to work on your behalf. 

They might uncover medical records that establish you sustained the injuries you say you did. They can provide a police report that describes what happened to you. They may also come up with eyewitnesses or video or photographic evidence if a camera happened to catch the accident.

You could probably not bring forward all of that evidence on your own. It’s another way a skilled personal injury lawyer can help you once you hire them. 

They Can Argue on Your Behalf in Court

If the defendant won’t settle out of court, then you must probably make a court appearance. During the trial, your lawyer can present the evidence they found to the judge and jury. They can also explain each piece of it so that the jury will know the context behind it. They can explain how it proves your case. 

A lawyer becomes your advocate in the courtroom. They represent you, and if you’re paying them via a contingency basis, you don’t pay your lawyer anything unless they win your case for you. Because of this, they’re incentivized. They must do a good job if they hope to walk away with any money as compensation for their time and efforts.

They Can Commiserate with You When You’re Feeling Down

Often, suing a person or entity takes time and energy. The process might drag on for weeks or even months if you’re bringing a particularly complex and multifaceted legal case against the defendant. You might feel sometimes that you’ll take any settlement offer, even a very small one, just to conclude the matter and get back to your life. 

If your family doesn’t fully support you in this endeavor, that might weigh on your mind as well. Even if they start out supporting you, perhaps as time goes on, they wish the trial would end. They might not provide the cheering section you need. You may feel discouraged and alone, particularly if you’re still recovering following an injury or illness the defendant’s actions caused.

Your lawyer can support you during these dark moments. When you need to hear a friendly voice, they can provide that. They can encourage you to stand fast and to wait for the jury’s decision or a more generous settlement offer. You’ll likely feel glad you have them there supporting you. 

They Can Protect You When You’re on the Witness Stand

In some personal injury cases, you might take the witness stand during the trial. When you do, your lawyer can ask you questions. You’ll likely practice this with them beforehand. They will tell you what they’ll ask and coach you on how you should answer. With them questioning you, you’ll probably feel comfortable. 

However, then the defendant’s lawyer can ask you questions during the trial’s cross-examination section. At this point, you may feel personally attacked. The defendant’s lawyer may ask you just about anything. However, with your attorney in the courtroom, you have some measure of defense.

Your lawyer can object if the defendant’s legal counsel asks you anything that the law deems off-limits. Since you do not know the law, you won’t know when you can refuse to answer a question that’s legally out of bounds. Your lawyer’s objections will keep the defendant’s attorney honest. 

Your lawyer can do a lot more for you in personal injury cases. That’s why you need someone qualified with plenty of relevant experience.