A Bankruptcy Lawyer Provides the Best Legal Help
While most of us would like to handle our debts without legal intervention, sometimes there is no other option. For these situations, a bankruptcy lawyer is the best option.
With the struggling economy,
it is not uncommon for most families to also struggle financially from time to time. For some individuals, this struggle can begin to become overwhelming, especially if they owe several creditors. While most creditors are willing to work out a payment plan on debts owed, there are some situations when there is no other option but to seek legal protection by filing for bankruptcy. An attorney can help alleviate some of the hassles associated with this process. With some of the recent changes in law, this assistance can be invaluable, as many have found that understanding the process is way too complicated to handle alone.
Many of these changes in legal regulations involve meeting the eligibility requirements. For instance, the debtor must have acquired a specific amount of both secured and unsecured debt. Furthermore, the income to debt ratio has changed, meaning those who previously filed under the old laws might not even qualify now based on their income. These are just a few examples of how the laws have changed, and many firms are not yet well versed in these changes. Therefore, choosing a less experienced firm could become an endless cycle of gathering proof of debt and income, only to have the filing rejected due to missing or incomplete information. Although this can cost a lot in fees and peace of mind, the biggest disadvantage can come from the creditors, who can legally force a debtor into bankruptcy. Filing voluntarily gives citizens more protection from the creditors, especially since they receive legal protection to retain their belongings and other property while they attempt to pay everything off. However, an involuntary filing gives the creditor the right to place a lien on the debtor's property, and even to garnish wages.
Depending on the type of filing, this information can remain on record for the next seven to ten years. Therefore, making this declaration is no easy decision and should be approached only as a last resort. A good bankruptcy lawyer will review each of his client's financial records to help them determine if the bankruptcy filing will indeed help a client. Yet, this is just one attribute of a good attorney. Clients should expect their bankruptcy lawyer to see their case through to the end, even if the process takes years. Having legal representation to responsibly handle the case can be an invaluable service if it means a client doesn't have to continue to live through financial stress.