A Criminal Lawyer for Misdemeanors
Even though misdemeanors are lesser crimes than felonies, it is still important to employ a criminal lawyer to help you navigate through the case and help lessen the severity of your punishment.
A criminal lawyer isn't only necessary in a felony case. More frequently misdemeanors are cases that many attorneys who focus on criminal clients handle on a regular basis. Although misdemeanors rarely carry prison sentences,

it is important that you get professional legal support for your case to avoid unnecessarily severe punishments for your crimes.
A misdemeanor is defined as a criminal act that falls between the severity of a felony and regulatory offense. Often criminals of these cases are charged with fines, probation, or community service for a period of up to a year. They are extremely common and you may one day find yourself accused of a misdemeanor. It is important to know what qualifies as a misdemeanor and why it is important to be properly represented by a criminal lawyer.
Petty Theft is defined as theft under a certain total. In most States, this is usually under $500. If you've been caught stealing money at work, shoplifting, or stealing something of value under $500, you will be charged with a misdemeanor. It is important that a criminal lawyer represent your case to lessen the terms of this misdemeanor on your record because it will often affect your ability to obtain employment.
Public Intoxication is considered a misdemeanor in some states. Generally, this charge is coupled with other charges, such as a public disturbance. If you are found drunk or under the influence of drugs you could end up paying heavy fines or doing long community service hours. Even though penalties vary greatly, often on very old laws, a criminal attorney from your state will be able to expertly handle your case.
Simple Assault is a common misdemeanor, more common than you would think. It could be issued to someone who gives police officers a hard time while being questioned, or an altercation between another that may have resulted in minor injury. It is defined legally as assault without intent to injure. If you assaulted another in the heat of the moment, attempted to assault another, or invaded the personal space of another causing them distress for their safety, a criminal lawyer will be necessary to navigate the court case and help support your side of the story.
Trespassing is defined as unlawfully entering a private property. Some trespassing is discouraged with signs, but it is otherwise an assumed law such as trespassing on a private residence. Again, trespassing law vary from state to state, so you will need a criminal attorney familiar with these cases to properly represent you in court, especially if you are caught up in an argument where the fact of trespassing is debatable.
Although it may be a thrill, Indecent Exposure is also considered a misdemeanor in many states across the country. It is defined as intentional exposure to a person with intent to cause reasonable alarm. In cases with younger children, it can be considered a felony. Make sure you have an experienced lawyer on your side for these cases as well.