When you're falsely accused of domestic abuse, the consequences can be extremely serious. This is why it's important to hire a domestic violence attorney as soon as possible. This article looks at what a good lawyer can do for you.
If you're falsely accused of DV,

it can have a devastating effect on your life, especially when there are kids involved. The charge is often used during messy divorces to gain leverage (usually) from the husband. Because the law is vague on what actually constitutes DV, anything from criticism to jealous behavior can fall into the category. If someone might be preparing a DV case against you, you need the services of a domestic violence attorney right away.
A DV charge can arise during any kind of quarrel. Because of a fight at home, you could be put in jail and this could have consequences for the rest of your life. It requires little evidence to land you in custody, so it's a good idea to be prepared by hiring a domestic attorney lawyer.
What a Domestic Attorney Lawyer Can Do
First of all, DV law can be very confusing. A domestic violence attorney will be skilled at handling cases such as yours. In some states, it falls under the category of civil law; in others, it is a criminal charge. Since it's so difficult to navigate the waters of DV law, let a legal professional do it for you.
A domestic violence attorney can help you to understand your rights. They can also advise you on what to do and what not to do when speaking with the person who is accusing you. Since they are building a case against you, it's important that you be very careful in your communications with them. This is something your lawyer can help you to fully understand which can keep you out of trouble.
They will also help you to document everything. When these cases to go to trial, it can quickly become a case of "he said, she said." This is why it's essential for you to have everything completely documented as well. If the person accusing you is more organized, this will severely hurt your case.
Of course, they'll also defend you in court. Many people believe that they can defend themselves. After all, they're innocent and they did nothing abusive; this will bear out, right? The only problem is that it never does. Rather, you're being attacked and the truth is being manipulated. This is why you need good, solid defense from a legal professional.
Although it is rare, it is fully possible for a domestic violence lawyer to help you seek damages from a false accusation. If someone has brought a case against you and it can be proven that it caused economic or psychological problems, you may have a case. They can help you recover damages that have occurred in your life due to the false accusation.
In any case, talk to a domestic violence attorney immediately. Our society has a perception that DV is always an abuser (usually male) against a victim (usually female). Many people feel that it's cynical to believe that someone would use these laws to their advantage to hurt someone else with false accusations. Your lawyer will help you sort things out and advise you on what steps to take.